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hatchback envy

to be envious of friends who drive hatchbacks or the storage capacity of a hatchback. A condition exacerbated by the addition of a roof rack.

My trunk is too small for all of my camping gear and I have no luggage rack! Hatchback envy!

by errr envious July 14, 2011

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Hatchback Snatch

When she got no panties on and you bend her over and hike up her skirt, like the hatchback of a 1974 Gremlin, and drive it home for a pounding ride.

She may be a little rusty and an old model, but Rachel is still good for a little hatchback Snatch and pretty much anyone can take her for a test drive.

by Eaton Holgoode December 17, 2018

Scandinavian Hatchback

A process of sending mail in Scandinavia. You must insert your mail and a payment of 10 acorns into the hatch in the rear of a donkey and pray the donkey does not get lost on the way to its destination.

- "I've paid my morgage 5 times this month but it always gets lost in the mail."

- "Have you sent it by Scandinavian Hatchback?"

- "That's exactly why it got lost."

by The dude who mooed February 23, 2009

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Alleyway hatchback

When you lift up a person's shirt in doggie style and it smells like trash, vomit, and piss.

Went to bang this degenerate and when i was gonna go doggie straight alleyway hatchback

by Tampon snapback June 28, 2019

Thatcham Hatchback

You cream in womens butthole and add single malt whiskey, then use said butthole as a bong and pack cocaine in her sandwich. Then assume the 69 position and choke with your dick until she queefs and inhale all the smoke and coke you can in one go.
While holding your breath, take a syringe and mix the excess buttbong fluid with heroine. Remember to share.
If for any reason one of the two of you doesn't survive, put them in the boot of your shitty 1.2L Corsa, burn it and roll it into the nearest canal.

Tyrone: How'd the afterparty down the lakes go?
Oli: yknow, few teenage pregnancies here and a poorly executed drug raid that everyone escaped there. Except there was an incident when a hungry swan with an ASBO bit a Polish guys dick off and i think some out-of-towner got the full Thatcham Hatchback experience. I missed it though, i was weeing on a tied up neo-nazi.
Tyrone: Pretty standard, though tis a pity, I was gonna take the littl'un and the missus there for brunch.
Oli: Oh it's clean now, local rozzers got lost or left for lunch. Wait you have a missus!?

by FrivolousBerk April 21, 2023

Hatchback pride

A sin as deadly as hatchback envy or hatchback vanity.

Hatchback pride guy-Look at how much bigger my hatchback is than this other guy. He can't even fit in any of his shit.

Guys friend- Watch your hatchback pride pal.

by Solid Mantis March 23, 2018

Hatchback pride

A sin as deadly as hatchback envy or hatchback vanity.

Hatchback pride guy-Look at how much bigger my hatchback is than this other guys. He can't fit in any of his shit.
Guys friend-Watch your hatchback pride pal, his car is the same size as yours, you're just the bigger asshole.

by Solid Mantis March 23, 2018