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Hauppauge District

A school that is nice on the outside, but pretty messed up within. There are either the popular (that all suck it’s like a movie lol not kidding), the whores, the druggies, the really nice and smart kids,
Mutual , skaters, and emos. Nobody in the middle school wants to be there. There is enough drama and bullshit in that school the recreate all the reality tv shows in America. We haven’t won homecoming in 9 years yet we still set off fireworks to celebrate another disappointment of a Hauppauge sports team. Pretty much the only team that does well is wrestling and or volleyball. There music program is great yet not much appreciated by the students that don’t participate and everyday is either a scene from mean girls and or real housewives or who the hell cares. 7th and 8th graders are the worst;They think they own the town even though they’re all bitches who run home to there mom and dads when they don’t get they’re way. Almost everyone there is self centered uncaring pieces of shit who think they’re bad ass cause they smoke weed and drink alcoho

Hauppauge is up by 28 points”
Oh well guess they’re not going to win again”
“Hauppauge District sucks they will never win”

by Sharks.r.fun May 1, 2018

Hauppauge Middle School

A middle classed school witch is pretty much made up of preps, whores, and skaters there r groups that everrone is in most of the kids drink beer and smoke weed trust me its not uncommon the skaters are just there own group and everyone else just weres abercrombie and that gay shit

Hauppauge Middle School is pretty sweet and is ussally missed judged correctly.

by Paternoster January 1, 2008

21👍 22👎