generally "extremely good"
common in UK during mid-70s when it was most often applied to rock music, in which context it would also imply "strong" or "powerful"
the opposite was helluva tame, generally but not necessarily used in a derogatory context.
Barker: "what kind of sounds do you dig, man?
"Oh, Zeppelin, Sabbath, Heep .... any hellish beef stuff really"
"Yeah me too, Zep are the men - I even like their helluva tame stuff on Zep 3"
Tender: "Wheyyy.... look at that guy with the hellish beef prime Plant locks over there!"
Barker: "Yeah, he looks beef but he's carrying a helluva tame Cat Stevens album under his arm"
Something that I say way too much for some reason even though I am not british
Oh fuck, hellish landscape.
When you feel you are in prison because your love seems to be interested in someone else romantically, and there's no way for you to reconcile.
I'm hellish jealous that my husband is cheating on me, and nobody seems to mind except me.
a heavy metal sensation amongst the underground, one of the best to exist
"hey man I bought tickets for the next hellish satanic suffering concert!"
One of two things, Either you later your hand in hot sauce and grope the berries or you wrap your hand with thorns and give a handy.
He wants to do it with me so bad. I'll give him a hellish handshake and see how much he likes that!