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hereford bypass

Something that everyone wants, but it never happens.
Also a response by Herefordians for literally anything.

1) Are you ever going to get that new phone!? It's just like Hereford bypass
2a) What do you think of the traffic today? Bypass.
2b) How was the school run? Bypass.

2c) Did you get to your wedding on time? We really need a bypass.

by pseudunnit September 23, 2020

Hereford, Texas

A small town in Texas that smells like the toilet after a trucker took the hugest shit of his life. When there is alot of wind, you can smell it from miles away, causing people to bag on the terrible reak of Amarillo because shitty ass Hereford is blowing in. With a population of 15,000 of either people that are the epitome of white trash - or mexican illegal immigrants.

Visitor of Amarillo: What the fuck is that smell?

Amarilloan: Oh, Hereford is just blowing in.

Talking to a newcomer
Me: And when the wind blows, like it does all the time - you will smell Hereford, Texas. Good luck with that.

by Taylor and Julie May 15, 2010

18👍 13👎

hereford bypass

Something that everyone wants, but it never happens.
Also a response by Herefordians for literally anything.

1) Are you ever going to get that new phone!? It's just like Hereford bypass
2a) What do you think of the traffic today? Bypass.
2b) How was the school run? Bypass.

2c) Did you get to your wedding on time? We really need a bypass.

by pseudunnit September 23, 2020

Hereford Highschool

Hereford High's sports teams are full of cheaters. If they arent winning they find a way to cheat. They have nothing else to do out there besides milk cows thats why they are good at sports.

like having "trouble" with the clock...
amongest other things

by April April 7, 2005

35👍 161👎

Hereford Middle School

Filled with preps, dorks, emos, hoes, vapers, etc. Everyone who goes here is crazy.

Hereford Middle School? I heard that the emos are all lesbians.

by urlocalbull April 9, 2019

12👍 3👎

hereford middle school

1. A school that gets it's students from Sparks Elementary, Prettyboy, 5th District, 7th District, and some Jacksonville schools.

2. A school made up of mostly preps who think that they're the shit and that they're wicked cool skaters and all, but don't know the first thing about a board. If you walked up to one of them, and asked if they could do a Mega Monkeybust STD Smashdown on their on their board, they would say, and I quote, "Oh, yeah, dude, that's like, um, wicked easy, bro." Pathetic.

3. A school minorly made up of wannabe rockers and puck-ass kids, (I'm a bit of both) who really sware to much and get in fights with preps a lot. We are both kind of posers, but I think my side is more fun. And we ACTUALLY skate and have lives beside talking about how great Hannah Montana looked last night.

4. A school really minorly, but some of it, is populated by Pokemon loving, Bakugan brawling, Yu-Gi-Oh trading dorks. They practically stalk the wannabe-rockers and punks, showing them how good they are at pulling a grind on Tony Hawk 3, or on a Tech Dech board, hoping to be accepted into the ranks of rock-dom, but turned aside. Pity them.

1. Dude, I'm going to Hereford Middle School next year!

2. OMG, we are soooo not preps! I mean, my friend at Hereford Middle School pulled a sick Mega Monkeybust STD Smashdown on his board! That's not preppy!

3. Fuck off, I'm sleeping through English class, you retard. I don't CARE about all that shitty pop music. Oh man, I hate Hereford Middle School...


by joe_kicks_major_pwnage_ass April 6, 2009

26👍 15👎

Hereford High School

a school where 75% of people are the same in ways such as they are over dramatic spoiled bitches who claim how "mature/grown up" they are evan though they critisize ppl about EVERY LITTLE THING & pretty much if you dont like lax,arent OBSESSED with facebook,and dont spend your weekends smoking weed, your pretty much classified by the "populare" people as "gay".and the other 25% of ppl here like me who are looked down upon by the other "common" 75% like to sit back and watch and get a good laugh out of those queeermotherfuckers who will get ABSOLUTELY nothing out of life, and will most likely spend there adulthood as rich spoiled fucks who gorge on depression pills and will have children who will grow up just like them.

North Carroll dude-im not signing up for lax this year, and i think im going to quit smoking weed. i have to earn my money, and i have better things to spend money on.

Hereford High School guy-........your gay.

by dimplesandcream32 November 23, 2007

65👍 72👎