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The text you get when she is angry, suspicious, clingy, or bored. If you get this text, it is physically impossible to know what it is about.

*Notification sound*Her: Hey
Me: Hey

by Racist Asian February 27, 2018


A contraction for "Hello, I find you attractive and would like to dance with you, share some drinks with you, and then perhaps have sex with you. Nothing serious, of course, and I doubt that this will result in a long term relationship, but I would appreciate you considering my proposal.

Guy at bar to attractive girl: "Hey."

Attractive girl to guy: "Go to hell, creep." (Moves to other side of bar.)

by girlygamerxxox January 17, 2015

14πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


1. Interjection, an informal greeting.

2. Verb, to 'hey' someone. The act of driving down public roads in a lane near a sidewalk, coming upon an unsuspecting pedestrian, and hollering "HEY!" as loudly as possible in their general direction. Most effective if done with all windows rolled down, and all members of the vehicle participating. (Originating in Sioux Falls, SD)

1. "Hey buddy, how's the syphilis?"

2. "Jimmy and I heyed a kid so bad the other day, he fell off his bike!"

by Eric Klein... November 23, 2007

95πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž


Synonym for (1)"hello";(2)"Let me get your attention"; and (3)"You bastard!"

Timmy: "Hey! You're pretty!"

Timmy: "Hey! Check out my new Dead Squirrel(tm)!!"

Redneck Bully: "Yer mawma's sayexy!"
Timmy: "Hey! That's not true!"

by Mbleh August 18, 2007

40πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž




by Quotes October 7, 2016

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Hey, a word a horny female to say when they want the dick

Female: Hey
Male: *gets boner*

by Fane Japell April 6, 2020

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


When someone else says hey to you it’s usually a sign that they want to FUCK YOU!! Like seriously you need to say hey back!


by Images art decisions August 6, 2019

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž