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Highland Park

A rich, pretentious neighborhood, mostly full of rich, conservative, Caucasian Christians, located in Dallas. Highland Park is full of simple minded idiots, who frown upon individuality. In fact, just about anyone who isn't rich, conservative, straight, Caucasian, or Christian is fair game for their bullying. In Highland Park, people care more about their money than other people or even the environment. Highland Park highschool, obviously located in HP, is comparable to an insane asylum. Most of the school's "darling students" spend the weekends drinking, screwing eachother, and getting high of ADHD medication. Most HP highschool girls dress like sluts, and act as if they rule the world. Pretty much every girl wears shorts under a foot long, with a shirt so oversized you can't even see the shorts. As far as credibility, I've had the misfortune of attending the school for the past two years, and I've hated everyday of it. If you aren't a typical "Parkie", as they're called, then you will spend almost everyday in HP feeling lonely, depressed, hatred filled, and/or suicidal. Highland Park is Hell, bursting at the seams.

Normal Day in Highland Park highschooll

Parkie1- "Hey dude, did you smoke some of that shit with the swim team over the weekend?

Parkie2- "No man, I was too busy drinking with the football team. Hey look, a person with a different religion!"

Parkie1- "Ha, go kill yourself, you stupid fag. No one likes you"

by The Gay Witch March 15, 2014

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Highland Park

In concern of Highland Park, Illinois...
Where the japs and rich reside. Where the lawns are emerald and the sky's blue and the beach is always calling your name. The money is so normal that a BMW is the equivelent to a Toyota. Basically, it's the most amazing place in the world. The expectations for kids re Ivy League, for the adults, doctor or lawyer or a highly respectable position. The gossip is hot but the kids are hotter. Highland Park is home to Jews, and only a couple of wealthy Christians. JAPs, preps, and posers. Summers are spent at sleepaway camp, or at homes in the Hamptons or fancy vacations. Winters are filled with trips to ski towns in Colorado and tropical vacations. Throughout seventh and eigth grade, bat/bar mitzvahs populate the weekends. To sum it up, ridiculously wealthy families, gorgeous kids, tons of drama, and pretty much one of the most rich towns in the United States.

Wow, look at the glow coming off of her too good to be true body...she must be from Highland Park!

by fjaudimajhs September 26, 2006

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Highland Park

As an alumna of Highland Park, I can say with confidence that "HP" is a safe and friendly community, full of well-to-do families with parents who earn a substantial living as a result of strenuous work in college and graduate school. I do apologize, however, for the "teeny boppers" who have added rather "un-eloquent" personal definitions that are not representative of the general population.

One Highland Park student: "I am so H-O-T-T hot cuz i dont care wtf you think you piece of outside of HP white trash"
Rest of Highland Park: "I wish girls like that would mature a little bit before they learn to speak. They are embarrassing."

by HPALUM04 March 22, 2006

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Highland Park

Highland Park IL, is a rich neigborhood north of Chicago. Most kids here are like clones of one another. That is being rich, acting stupid and being good at sports. Also, kids that are the least bit unique are outsiders. Most kids are jewish and the others constantly state that they want to be. Emo is a fun joke among jocks and cheerleaders. The popular kids in HP say it is the best place on Earth, It's not.Not everyone here is hot, a lot of popular kids are either fat or are in serious need of a nose job.Take it from me I live in HIGHLAND PARK.

Normal conversation in Highland Park.
Jock to cheerleader: Look at me I'm so Emo! (Shows fake cuts on arms.)

Cheerleader: (Laughs her head off) That is sooo funny!

Other Cheerleader: OMG! I like totally forgot to do my homework last night. Quick, what's 2+2?

Cheerleader:(Thinks hard) I think it's 5!

Jock: You are so smart. Meet me after class,I've got to pick out a new Porche. I crashed my other one last night at the party.

by @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ February 9, 2007

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Highland Park

There seems to be a shortage of people in reality as soon as you cross into the town limits of Highland Park. The majority of people are not only rude but they look at you like you're crazy when you tell them that you haven't lived here all of your life. Totaled your car on the first day of driving? No problem, these girls can have their daddy buy them another the next day. I've never seen such a lack of diversity my whole life until now. It's true, not everyone is a brat here but it's sad to see how spoiled these people are. The moms and daughters might actually be the worst out of everyone. It's sad to see a 45 year old woman looking like she had way too much surgery dressing in leggings and a tank top. No one wants to see that, but apparently they think they're the shit. If you're into gross preppy looking guys and bitchy fake girls this is the place for you, but just a warning, you get dumber every minute you stay.

"omg did you guys watch gossip girl last night? it was soooo good! I love living in Highland Park"

"So I definitely went to the mall over the weekend and found the cutest pair of jeans ever!! We all need to go shopping!"

"Girls guess what?! I got a car and I'm not even 16 yet!"

by simone h January 22, 2009

21๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Highland Park

Highland Park is an independent community north of downtown Dallas. Commonly known as "The Bubble," the community battles steriotypes such as "the kids are all brats" and "the women are plastic dolls." These comments are based on opinions, and have absolutely no validity in describing the entire city. Highland Park, as well as it's similar neighbor University Park, is a group of educated citizens who worked hard enough to be able to afford to live in an elite neighborhood, complete with a fantastic school system and safe streets. The community boasts the lowest crime rate in Dallas, as well as countless awards for it's students accomplishments. Due to early city architecture, 20% of Highland Park is designated as parks, hence the name, "Park Cities." To judge or describe a community by citing a quote from one teenage girl who happens to attend Highland Park High School is both unprofessional and unintelligent. Contrary to (common?) belief, most people do not need Starbucks "daily" to survive, and, incredibly, not everyone drives one-hundred-thousand-dollar cars. Highland Park is simply a concentration of educated people who work incredibly hard to live a lifestyle envious of many. Although making snide remarks about the citizens and lifestyles of Highland Park may be temporarily gratifying, perhaps "haters" of Highland Park should take some notes; after all, every other Dallas community seems to need a lot of help.

"The Highland Park High School graduating class of 2004 boasts eight National Merit Finalists, and sent students to 112 different institutions of higher education in 34 states." -Highland Park High School's "Bagpipe" Newspaper, May 13, 2004

"Everything I do ALLL day is simply to make me look more RICH! In the morning, I make my maid make me breakfast, and then I throw it away, right in front of her, because I CAN! Then, my mom gives me my daily piece of jewelry, which absolutely HAS to be from Neimans or Tiffany's. And then, I walk outside and mutter racist comments at my gardener, because he's probably an illegal alien. Then, I get in my RANGE ROVER and drive to school, where I park in the Principal's parking spot, because he isn't from Highland Park, and my Daddy will sue him for sexual harrasment if he says ANYTHING to me about it. All day long, I sit in my classes and chew gum and text message on my Swarovsky Crystal Blackberry, and I do not learn, because my Daddy will either buy my way into college, or support me for the rest of my life. After school, my friends and I eat our one meal a day, 2 sticks of celery, and then we throw it up, because we are bulemic and gorgeous. Then we go shopping at Highland Park Villiage, where I have to spend less than $4000 (a day) because I spent over $100,000 last month on clothes alone, and Daddy thought it was making my friends jealous. Then I go to the HP basketball game, where our student section sits on reclining velvet-cusioned seats, while our visitor section has to sit on spare buckets and trash cans turned upside down. After we win the basketball game, I will go get smashed on Grey Goose and Crystรกl with my friends in someone's billion-dollar backhouse. After a fun night of playing "How much money is in your wallet?", I will drive home (drunk), attempt to fit my Range in the garage (but rear-end by dad's Rolls Royce), and walk inside, where I find my Daddy waiting to give me a a goodnight kiss and five tickets to Cabo for me and my friends as a reward for my all-Fs report card. Then, I pass out on my egyptian-cotton sheets. The next day, Daddy and I both go get new cars (I get a Benz, he gets two Maseratis), and then I repeat my day all over again!" -Actual daily itenerary of a Highland Park High School senior. Really. That is how everyone in HP actually lives. This quote is absolutely as accurate as all the other ones on this page. Really.

by HPALUM March 6, 2006

66๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž

Highland Park

The most stuck up, richest, brattiest and snottiest people in the world! It is refereed to as "The bubble" because they all live in their own magical world filled with unicorns, ponies, hair bleach, spray tans and in the winter it snows money. You are hated if you are nice and normal and worshiped if you are mean and fake. If you are popular you are considered a "Parkie" no one but "parkies" even like them.

Normal human one: Geez she looks mean
Normal human 2: She must go to Highland Park

by Ahanna October 16, 2014

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