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A half boner. A little more than fluffy but less than than a full out boner. You get one mainly when you see a decent girl in a bikini or your grinding at a school dance.

Girl: do i give you a boner
Guy: nah just a honer
Girl: so im like a 6
Guy: damn your psychic

Girl: i can tell by the size of your honer

by #swagman September 20, 2014

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Playing heroes of newerth while getting a boner.

Hey dude you want to go get a honer?

by Flamlightb February 1, 2010

19πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


someone who is suspected of practising (or honing)their repetoire in front of the mirror at home, paramount to auto-erotocism

what a fucking honer

by kava July 18, 2003

19πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Andrew Honer

Andrew Honer is a big dick energy Mormon boi. His parents hate him but love his friends. If you know a mad lad named Andrew Honer you want to bink his moms cooter

Wow Andrew Honer is so annoying, I only go to his house for his blazing hot fake booby mom

by Andrewshotmom56 September 23, 2019

Boner Honer

A slang term for someone’s mouth.

Shut your boner honer John.

Jane was upset when her husband started running his boner honer to the police officer.

by Bigdummie March 22, 2019


A honer is a Heart Boner. Used for when you see something you find too wholesome and you just wish to protect with all your might.

Perhaps you watched Demon Slayer and felt your heart get all warm, and you wished to protect Nezuko. You at that moment got a Honer

I just want to protect her and make sure she feels safe, I've got a massive Honer for her.

by Teleran December 6, 2020


It’s like an erection, but from your heart.

Omg that cat is so cute, I think I just had a Honer

by Spiff Jnr May 31, 2024