A private story on snapchat where you spill about your past relationships and people you talked to.
"guys make sure you add me to your hood love story"
8đź‘Ť 3đź‘Ž
A hood love story is defined as a snapchat story where someone posts about their past love life. Any basic girls will make one of these and post “add me to ur hood love story”. If u have a “hood love story” then it’s without a doubt that ur basic and ur a sket and u know nothing but follow what everyone else is doing .
“aDd mE t0 uR hoOd lOvE sToRieS” - Keisha on her snap story
“Becky posted her ex’s dick pics on her hood love story!”
4đź‘Ť 12đź‘Ž
Exclusive clothing brand that was created by a Houston based artist Fendiface
Ayeeee!!! Where you get that shirt “Yo hood don’t love you”