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The morning after consuming a lot of alcohol.

The other night was so fucking amazing ! But I was completely hungover the next day.

by sarabby. October 7, 2008

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screwed over by the most wonderful thing in the world, many peoples best friend, alcahol.

liz :"jen mate. i'm well hungover."
jen :"YERMATEEE. me too. fuckin' fuck cider & black mate."

by Lizzibean March 22, 2007

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Hungover the moon

Colloquial take on the classic idiom, 'Over the moon'.

The short, sweet period the next day when you are still drunk, before the real hangover kicks in.

'How are you feeling today?'

'Pretty good, actually. I'm hungover the moon!'

by Spagalucci September 21, 2012

hungover breakfast

The morning after a party where everyone was shitshowed the evening before... you and your friends drag yourselves off various floors, couches, and beds, and after you all have those "I shouldn't have smoked that because now I'm drunk again" cigarettes, you all head to that little restaurant that's only a blessed five minutes away. Really, none of you are capable of traveling any farther than that anyways. While most of you sit with your heads in your hands, one of you is too hungover to eat, another thinks it's a good idea to eat a cheeseburger and mashed potatoes at 10:30 in the morning, and the waitress (the same one you see EVERY Sunday) has realized by this point that she might as well just leave pitchers of water on the table rather than having to keep coming back to perform refills for your incoherent asses (clearly, she has seen your group for the last 100+ Sundays!). Inevitably, the conversation at the table doesn't really make much sense but is completely hilarious, and after you've left and it's much later in the day, the whole ordeal seems like it happened yesterday, rather than just this morning.

Dude! That hungover breakfast of a cheeseburger and mashed potatoes totally put me back in the game!

by Karoliana December 15, 2008

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Sexually Hungover

A state where someone has had a lot of sex one day and is still tired from the sex the next day. Often accompanied by not thinking as clearly as one would normally.

"Dude i'm so sexually hungover, i'm still exhausted from the great sex last night"

by MikWill July 12, 2009

Halloween Hungover

The few days after Halloween during which you've eating so much candy and sweets that you constantly have the feeling of vomit and need to take a shit.

John: dude where did All the fucking kit-kats go?

Anthony: I had like 59, I'm so Halloween hungover.

by FuckTheCandy November 1, 2010

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hungover grover

A person who is hungover and usually reluctant to do anything till long after the hangover is gone.

Stop being a hungover grover and give me a ride home.

by grarnigh458 October 24, 2008