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Aii Bro I'll See You

"Aii Bro I'll See You" is a term used in the common highschool slang from the years 2018-2019. This term is formally used as a transition word to get out of pickle situations such as Breakups , Abortions , Weddings , Teacher talks , Pep Talks , Dap and leaves , etc.

"Ayo Seth what class you got?"-Tyshawn... "Uh i got music in room 202 (DING late bell noise) Aii Bro I'll See You.. (Daps) Stay up.

by SethyOW February 8, 2019

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I'll See you at 3 o'clock

the call of B-ville's baddest BMODL: ML, when little poo crackas get caught for pooing up society they hear this call

"um.. yea PTI but Kritin i'll see you at 3 o'clock"

by g-birdman June 18, 2003

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I'll see you down at Arizona Bay

A reference to Bill Hick's vision/hopes of California breaking off in an earthquake leaving a Arizona to have a bay. Used in a Tool song in the same reference and context

I'll See you down at Arizona Bay, sucker

by Paddy313 March 20, 2009

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I'll See You In Another Life Brother

A term used to tell another person that you will see them again. Most likely in a strange place or somewhere unexpected. Usually used by two guys, while using the term "brother" as a friendly gesture.

In the TV show Lost, Desmond was known for this phrase.
Desmond: "I'll see you in another life brother."
Jack: "Sure man."
Then they see each other again life 100000 times...
Lost Brother Life Meaning Bro Sex I'll See You Again Pick Up A Stick And Throw It Yo mama Strangers

by TheMysteriousStranger June 1, 2012

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I'll see you when I see you

A phrase used by a boyfriend or girlfriend when they want to break up with their significant other but don't have the spine to actually say they want to break up.

"So, are you breaking up with me?"

"I don't know. I just want a relationship where I'll see you when I see you."

by Tommyt September 23, 2014

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I'll have to see

Trump's answer, when asked by Chris Wallace on Fox as to whether he would "accept the results of the election" if he lost.

"I'll have to see. I can't say 'yes', I can't say 'no'."

by Monkey's Dad July 20, 2020

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I'll see you on the internet

Another way of saying "I'll see you later" this term transforms the physical presence of someone and assumes that the next interaction with the other person will be virtual.

Person 1: It was great talking with you but I have to run to a meeting in downtown.
Person 2: No worries, I'll see you on the internet.

by AFallet1 October 28, 2022