When Jaden and Q get into a fight over who loves who more. But the accurate answer would be Q loves Jaden more.
Jaden: I love you more
Q: no I love you more. It's in the dictionary.
It means that the person who sent you this loves you more than you may love them
I love you more means that I love you more than you love me, obviously
I love you more means that you love someone more then anything, more then they love you. And justyce loves Jayden more
"Hey Jayden I love you"
"I love you too Justyce
" I love you more, Jayden"
When someone tells you I love you more and the recepient loves that someone more then they could ever imagine.
Jenny: I love you
Julie: I love you more
Jenny: I love you more Julie, urban dictionary says so.
When poppy loves Madus more.
She adores him and has done for a long time, and finally she can prove it!
Poppy: I love you.
Madus: I love you more.
Poppy: No I love you more
Madus: Impossible, but ok x
Poppy: No it's true, check the internet...
Madus: ...
When I say this don’t retaliate i love you more and that’s that periodt
I love you
I love you more
Yes mf now shut up and kiss me goofy
When you want to win the I love you battle just screenshot this a send it to them
Zach: I love you
Megan: I love you too
Zach: I love you more
Megan: No, I love you more
Zach: *screenshot and sends*
Megan: Ok you win