The sound one makes at the frustration of having performed a typo.
Bob (typing) : Hey man, what are you doinfgh tonight?
Bob (speaking) : IRT
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Haha false motherfucker you thought you were onto a conspiracy theory? LMAO lame ass 👌👌👌
Not much LMAO loser Project-irt
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1. Skirt; to skirt is to haul ass, this would be considered a quick SKIRT.
2. Skiii...irt NEXT!; To Skiii...irt NEXT! is to leave a situation that you just ain't feelin'
3. Simple skirt; to give a signal
1. Stacey: hey Amber, is that the police?
Amber: yuuup
Stacey and Amber: SKIRT!!!!
2. When some dumbass dude wants to sit around watching some boring ass movies all night and your tryin' to get your drunk on .....Skiii...irt NEXT! is the phrase you would use in that situation as your walking out of the door. All skirts are pretty quick.
3. When your out with your friends and you hear or say "skirt", everyone that knows you well knows it's time to GO!
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IRT Railway is a complex North American train knowledge publisher. It's network is structured in Cloud Hosting focusing on railroad transportation.
Articles from the IRT Railway are primarily about the Train Sim World video game series.