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1) A sister from another mister.
2) One of the best people I know.
3) A little bit of a hottie :)
4) my snuckles buddy
5) mr happy

Iain is too cool for an example. :)

by beeface December 15, 2008

210๐Ÿ‘ 107๐Ÿ‘Ž


Most Iains are intriguing, mystical, and fascinating. They tend to be very creative in their communication styles. Very intelligent, curious, humorous boys or men. Usually, they are playful, but they have a deep serious side to them that they keep hidden. They can be pretty badass when needed and are quite intimidating when angry. They have the ability to shoot from the hip without being too direct. In a word- Amazing.

Girl 1: Did you see Iain today?
Girl 2: No, where did he go?
Girl 1: I don't know! I wish he'd come back. I miss him!

by Gfufifrjo July 3, 2018

9๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Iain is a class act. He always tries to do what's best for everyone. He puts aside his own wants and needs for the good of others. He has a larger than life personality once he lets you in, but he doesn't let just anybody in. He chooses his friends very carefully. Love is a challenge for him. He prefers to be left alone. He is a solo artist, a free spirit, and a good man. He makes quite an impression on people and is unforgettable. He's one in a billion and will always be my dream. If you ever meet and get to know Iain, consider yourself blessed.

Girl 1: Who is that sexy guy over there?

Girl 2: That's Iain! I can't believe We're in the same room with him! What should we do? Go talk to him?

Girl 1: I heard he prefers to be left alone. Let's just admire from afar.

Girl 2: Bummer! I was really hoping to talk and get to know him better!

by Twinkle*toes October 20, 2018

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A man who has the ability to see right through you. All it takes is one look. He can see the good and bad and somehow manages to smile about it. He finds laughter to be the best medicine -and it truly is! Iain has a keen sense of his place in the world -and likes things orderly. He is only limited by space and time. His mind is extraordinary, and his heart. Oh, his heart. It is a protected treasure that he likes to hold back from people and hide. He is a soldier fighting the good fight and if he likes you and you win his approval, your whole world changes for the better.

Girl 1: who is this Iain that everyone is talking about?

Girl 2: Oh! You haven't met him? Girl, you're in for a treat! Prepare yourself though. He's capable of being a heartbreaker. Let me introduce you to him!

Girl 1: oooh goody! Do I look ok? Do you think I'm ready?

Girl 2: You'll never be ready for Iain. He's just that kind of guy. He is not just a man... he is an experience.

by Twinkle*toes October 26, 2018


Iain is very funny and has a lot of ways to make you happy. Iain can also give you a lot of love to insure you are happy. Iain is a person who is very caring and will make sure that you are equal to others. Iain hates bullies as he thinks they are all mean and should be punished

Lily is now very happy , as iain had a very nice conversation with her about love

by Matt_1205 February 26, 2019


Due to the MUCH rarer spelling of the common Gaelic name "Ian", Iains are much harder to come across. The personality of the average Iain are much more exceptional than the average Ian, including, but not limited to: being able to rizz lesbians, getting the attention of 10s, and being the best day 1 homie that anyone could ask for.

"What's he doing?"
"She has a girlfriend bro idk how that guy is rizzing her"
"Ik bro I'm so proud of my boy Iain"

by Cyantist13 September 20, 2023


A man who finds humor in just about any life situation. But yet deep down has a tender heart. Very sexy. Watch out ladies! You can't help but read Fifty Shades and think of him. A good friend and compadre. Can talk to him about anything. Overall great guy and confidant. Will always make you laugh!

Girl 1: I just met the funniest guy last night. Can't stop thinking about him!

Girl 2: must've been Iain. Watch out though! If you get too close, he bites. He's an animal that can't be tamed and he likes it that way!

by Twinkle*toes December 22, 2018