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An icepick is a tool consisting of a steel rod with a sharp point, used for breaking up or chipping blocks of ice. Commonly used in prison to stick someone.

Jay in cell d got stuck with an icepick

by andre slusarz July 26, 2006

42πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


Fucking a very petite girl with a large dick.

Dude how was that girl in the Philippines?

She was hot, only 4'10", I was totally icepicking her!

by Devils lunchbox November 12, 2011

14πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


A Stilleto Switchblade Knife, used for fighting

Next motherfucker who touches my boy, gets the icepick (PULLS OUT KNIFE AND OPENS IT)

by tampa813 July 13, 2006

17πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

icepick him

To injure someone, usually figuratively, with a sharp, precise attack.

In the debate, I used counter examples to icepick him to defeat.

by I, Wreckerrr November 13, 2016

icepick boxing

Icepick boxing was invented in 1818, during Sir John Franklin's first arctic expedition, as a way of rationing out quickly-shrinking supplies and to provide a sort of morbid amusement to break the bleak tedium of the freezing north. It spread from there, basically, and now enjoys a dedicated and growing group of enthusiasts world-wide.

The ring traditionally consists of a foot-high circle of snow placed on the ground, in a nod to the sport's roots. However, many variations, from boxing-ring style stages to lava moats, exist.

Contenders are covered in thick, mantled greatcoats, heavy pants, and steel-toed boots. Fancy hats are encouraged, but not required.

Hey, you guys? It's pretty chilly up here on Mt. Everest. We should start a round of icepick boxing to keep warm!

by Susan Paige September 7, 2007

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Icelandic Icepick

The act of defecating into a condom (optional) and freezing it. The condom filled with frozen feces is then used to penetrate a partner's oriface.

Mother: Your father fucked in my ass last night with a frozen turd.

Child: Oh, we call that the Icelandic Icepick.

by Dr. Pickles January 30, 2009

30πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Tallahassee Icepick

Lubing up a swampy ass with icy hot prior to penetrating one’s anus, providing a frozen sensation in the deeeeep south.

Chet punished Mo with a Tallahassee Icepick one muggy afternoon.

by Diego JosΓ© July 20, 2022