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Who let you leave the house with all that cake

Double cheeked up on a Thursday afternoon

Who let you leave the house with all that cake? Double cheeked up on a Thursday afternoon. Hella A$$

by GlitzyG April 1, 2020

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

excuse me, could you please leave

A reference to what Tyler Joseph once said in an interview while asked about his voice.

He was asked why his voice was deep in some songs but not in others and he explained he didn't like the sound of his voice; it was too high. He then gave an example to if he were to have a wife and children and someone were to break in and he'd yell but his voice would not be very intimidating.

"From the top of the steps I'm just gonna be like, excuse me, could you please leave? Nothing very intimidating about it'

by whyamisoinlovewith2dcharacters March 14, 2021

I'm gonna leave you to it

A phrase to escape, exit, or end conversation... used mostly for phone calls, work, and fleeting conversations.

Ok... OK... MOM OK!... Ok mom, I've gotta go... I'm gonna leave you to it.

Looks like you've got everything taken care of... I'm gonna leave you to it.

by jacprice January 18, 2017

22๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

i will never leave you

The biggest lie anyone had ever said .

" I will never leave you babe"

by Xxprincess July 1, 2017

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i'll never leave you

Something that a lot of people don't mean. A word that a person should never use because it's not true! Let's say if a person says I'll never leave you, they'll leave you one day.

I'll never leave you, "your name"
Sure you won't.

by Mack2014 February 15, 2015

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babe I'm gonna leave you

Best song ever. It was remade by Led Zeppelin and featured on their debut album. Hear it.

Babe I'm gonna leave you shows how much Plant's voice rocks!

by numandina July 23, 2006

93๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

All the time you have to leave a space!

A quote by famous Formula 1 driver Fernando Alonso during the 2012 Bahrain Grand Prix

Ok he pushed me off the track I think you have to leave a space, All the time you have to leave a space!

by gravelmuncher753 January 22, 2023