There are a few good reasons for the Iraq War. Saddam Hussein, mah daddy, oil, WMDS, oil. And best of all, we'll be greeted as liberators!
23๐ 26๐
A war that was not started because of oil or because George Bush is retarded but because there was a serious threat that the Iraqis did have chemical weapons. During the Iran-Iraq war the Iraqi's killed thousands of Iranian soldiers and civilians with chemical weapons and Saddam killed thousands of his own people with chemical weapons. Then the UN banned Iraq from having chemical weapons but when they tried to inspect Iraqi weapon making facilities the Iraqi's wouldn't let them. Then theres the USA freshly thrown into a war on terrorism now hearing that a crazy fucking radical islamic America hating country probably has some chemical weapons. So they decide to act and take out Saddam. Turns out he didn't have any Chemical weapons at the time so the USA pretty much got fucked due to the ineffectiveness of the UN.
The same things happening now with Iran and their nuclear program but their going to develop them because no one has the balls to do anything anymore.
idiot: stupid George Bush started the Iraq war cause he wanted OIL.
Smart person: dude shut the fuck up the US invaded Iraq because the UN couldn't get their shit together and the US had to take care of it to prevent some wackjob from getting chemical weapons.
Idiot: your gay you love old men like Bush!!!!!!!
42๐ 49๐
a bad thing.
They had no WMD and that should've been the end of it.
Iraq FINALLY let UN weapon inspectors in to look around. They found nothing, but war was declaired anyway.
It's true, probably a good 70% of the British people were against the war from the very start. Not because we are against war with our enemies, or the enemies of our friends, but because Iraq were really no threat. Why couldn't the CIA/MI6 just assasinate Saddam if they felt that strongly about him?
In the aftermath of 9/11, Britain was proud to hear Tony Blair giving his shoulder-to-shoulder speach, we were proud to go to Afghanistan to fight the Talliban and help try to find Bin Laden. We've suffered terrorism for many years (all my life), and know what it means, and will steadfastly back our Governments policy of ALWAYS standing up to terrorism even if it does make us a target again.
Terrorits are cowards, they don't wear uniforms or fight under a flag. They sneak around, in the dark planting bombs, before sneaking away again like rats. The men who fought the US/UK invasion were not terrorists or cowards, they were scared young men trying to defend their country.
The Iraq war was a mistake, if we truely are commited to fighting the GOOD fight, then we must keep ourselves focused on the real enemies.
361๐ 185๐
An opportunity for companies like Blackwater and KBR to make a killing, in however way you want to interpret that.
It actually isn't a war, since former President Bush declared "mission accomplished" on day 89/90 of his lease on the military. Now it has turned into a "rebuilding effort," or a more appropriate term could be damage control.
Now here's the trick that the U.S had up its sleeve all along: they didn't want Iraq to be "democratic," or whatever that's suposed to mean. They wanted to take over Iraq for its potential in the sand business. Yes, I promise you, the sand business.
You might say that's lunacy, but what else makes sense?
You see, if the Americans take back the Holy Sands, which was prized by all in the Middle Ages, they can build the biggest fucking sandecastle in the world.
This will be used to imprison all so-called "terrorists," but more importantly, it will be used to compensate for America's... eh... problem.
Just like the average American civilian's stockload of compensating tools called "guns," the world's biggest fuckign sand castle ever will represent a giant penis.
Just like Manifest Destiny, Sandifest Destiny will be a wet dream come true for Americans and mutated lizards (Dick Cheney) alike.
Person 1- Hey, how's the Iraq war going?
Person 2- Pretty good, I started chafing a little after a while, but I toughed it out.
American husband- Honey, you know what we need behind all of the assault rifles and power tools? An Iraq war.
39๐ 39๐
A war which was started in ernest to attempt to contain the possiblity of a terroist threat wether the threat was real or not is unknown to much of the people in th U.S. and U.K. a few good things came out of it such as a dictator going out of power and the people of iraq gaining the chance to get out of the dark ages which theocracy and horrible fanatisim kept most of the people in shackles of both fear and lack of trust (due to the fanatic muslims giveing the rest a bad rep) but has caused much more bad than good due to the dominate super power (the united states of america) losing its credability and reputation amongst other nations and the global media capitalising on that this has cost the american people much. with the loss of the reputation we have been blamed for outrageous and over exagerated events. and our people have been the unjust target of prejuduce when our government should be takeing the heat. and for those of you who hate america you should know that we have no voice in government as we cannot elect our leaders...thats right the people who actualy vote for the president are not bound by our peoples choice
forign man: fuck america there nothing but war-mongering bitches you all started iraq war!
American: actualy our government did
:forign man: you american fucks are the government you fucking dick sucking terroist!
American: do you even know how our government works?
forign suck!
American:soooo... i take it thats a no?
forign man: i hope all of you have another 9/11!
American: we have no say in our government. what little we had was all but destroyed by the patriot act. so why are you blameing us?
forign man:...(try's to form a logical argument...fails)
49๐ 54๐
A great idea that led to lots of fun for the US and UK soldiers.
Managed to whoop Saddam's ass and find him hiding in a hole.
For some stupid reason most Brits were against to war, blaming the lie about WMDs. Presumably they'd have preferred Saddam still there and his sons raping the women and children of Iraq as they did. I dispair at my country sometimes...
"why are you angry at the government?"
"what about it?"
"it was illegal and wrong" (just saying what everyone else does)
"what, so you would have been happier with saddam still in power and the people of Iraq living a shit life, then?"
"errrr....oh.....uhmmmm.....i'm a thick shit aren't I?"
86๐ 223๐
After seeing such well made movies as VALLEY OF ELAH, and WAR WITH OUT END I was kind of searching for pro Iraq war documentary's
seems to me that the Republicans could get Halliburton to fund something..
With the hours or compelling movies on the current war i kind of would like to see a pro Iraq war documentary....i guess the current administration didn't anticipate how sending the bulk of the movie going public to war might create bad press..and of course military families are so disregarded that they might not have extra money for that kind of stuff..
30๐ 19๐