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If you are Irish you are one of the greatest people alive. The Irish are the most smart and sophisticated people ever to walk the planet.

I'm 12.5% Irish from my mum.

by Condren August 15, 2007

1070๐Ÿ‘ 166๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A person who comes from the great country of Ireland. Well known for being able to handle drink unlike the British or the Americans and being able to handle semi-automatic weaponry due to the fact that half the country is serving or have served in either the FCA or the Slua in their spare time. See Steyr AUG

2. A language that will be dead in twenty years if the Polish, Romanians and Nigerians keep coming in. (Not trying to make that sound racist)

3. What 50 million Americans who've never been to Ireland claim to be.

I'm proud to be Irish

by Snake January 26, 2006

1445๐Ÿ‘ 252๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. One from Ireland or of direct descent of one from Ireland (up to three generations).
2. Can get any girl/guy with a look and smile.
3. Can hold their drink.
4. If farther than three generations, one who embraces their ancestry and attempts to gain at least a fundamental knowledge of the history and language of Ireland and it's people.
5. All of the above with a Balls out temperament

Tรก mรฉ Gaeilge...um... dรฉileรกil sin leis!
I'm Irish so deal with it!

by PatheticBarrel June 15, 2010

91๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


More likely to be a girl name , very emotional girl ... but Very strong . highly intelligent but gets distracted easily . loves sports .. keeps guards up around her cause of trust issues . Comes off as mean and disrespectful but inside a crybaby .. will be successful very early on in life .

Irish will be the best with in herself by herself .

by Jazzy9 March 13, 2017

57๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.The hottest nationality
2.Yes-we can hold our liquor unless those english pussies
3.No-that doesn't mean we're alchoholics
4.The only nation w/ their own holiday celebrated worldwide
5.Get lots of kisses
6.Is envied by all
7.Kicked those dirty bastard brits back to their own wasteland country
8.Loves green
u kno u wish u were one of the selected few who were lucky enough to b born IRISH!!!

boy1:damn that girl is sexy
boy2:yea, and shes irish too
boy1:well that explains why shes so sexy!
irishgirl:hey boys, kiss me, i'm irish

by sExY iRiSh BaBy April 6, 2005

2982๐Ÿ‘ 997๐Ÿ‘Ž


A) People from Ireland
B) Friendliest/kindest people you will meet (unless you get on their bad side)
C) Can hold their drink much better than any other nationality.

D) Thousand times better then there neighbors in england who sit around all day drinking tea and worshiping a fat old lady called the queen.
E) Oh and much finer girls then the dirty loud mouth italians. ;)

No party like an Irish party
Everyone wishes they were Irish

by kyleeoo September 27, 2010

81๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person named Irish, is kickass, knows how to handle shit that people give to her. Is beautiful no matter what people say. If they talk shit about her step up becasue she'll bust yo ass. She's outgoing, loves to dance, party, and drink. She's pretty, smart, and has a unique name that no one barely has. A person named "Irish" is usually a friendly and nice who hangs out with everybody. And pretty popular in school. Pretty damn funny too.

Goddamn, whose that beautiful girl walking by?

Ohh, thats Irish.

She just roasted that girl.

Hell yeah she always does, she knows how to handle shit when people give it to her.

by Gangstaeastcoastbitch.! June 1, 2011

68๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž