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Christmas is a fun holiday. On Christmas people get presents and who doesn’t like presents. It is also a time to spend time with family and friends.

Santa: Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas

Lucy: Did you Bring presents for us?
Santa: Of course I did

Lucy: Yay! Can we open the presents now?
Rosie: And we can spend time with family and friends

by The real one2010 October 19, 2019

54πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


The date of December 25th probably originated with the ancient "birthday" of the son-god, Mithra, a pagan deity whose religious influence became widespread in the Roman Empire during the first few centuries A.D. Mithra was related to the Semitic sun-god, Shamash, and his worship spread throughout Asia to Europe where he was called Deus Sol Invictus Mithras. Rome was well-known for absorbing the pagan religions and rituals of its widespread empire. As such, Rome converted this pagan legacy to a celebration of the god, Saturn, and the rebirth of the sun god during the winter solstice period. The winter holiday became known as Saturnalia and began the week prior to December 25th. The festival was characterized by gift-giving, feasting, singing and downright debauchery, as the priests of Saturn carried wreaths of evergreen boughs in procession throughout the Roman temples.

Jesus was not born on December 25th. He was 33 1/2 when he died on Nisan 14 which is in April. Do the math.

by jp December 23, 2003

213πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


60 yr olds+ : "oh no. the family is coming over for lunch. i have to put up with their whingging and mess."
50 yr olds + :"christmas is so stressful - where am i going to come up with all the money for presents?!"
40 yr olds + (mid-life-crisis-era)+ :"christmas means big meals. it also means the time of year one adds more inches to thier middle"
30 yr olds + (starting-family-era)+ :" christmas is seeing the look of joy on my child face, christmas morning. its better to give than recieve"
from 20 yr old (lonely-depressive-bacholor-era)"christmas is all about santa who was invented by the coke-a-cola company to make millions of the stupid. christmas is a gimmick. its the one day a year i have to go to church"
teenagers (i-know-everything-era): "christmas is meant to celebrate the birth of Christ, its a catholic tradition shared all over the world, even though jesus' birthday isnt acctually on the 25th..."
young children every where: "i love christmas cos santa comes and gives me what ever i want, but its yucky waiting to open the presents. its ok coz i peek every year at them."

it was as if all her christmas's had come at once

by venesa December 22, 2003

1030πŸ‘ 294πŸ‘Ž


People say Christmas is all about Presents, Santa Clause or this one guy named Jesus? Well you see those are all fake. We all know that Christmas is all about one thing and that is......

A swiss colony beef log.

Stockings are hung on the chimney
And the presents are under the tree
And Mamma's in the kitchen
Making some, 'erbal tea
The windows are covered with frost
And the candles are all alight
But as I wander, through this quiet house
Something just doesn't seem right
You see, every year, the neighbours bring us
A Swiss Colony Beef Log
But the neighbours aren't around, around, around
There's no Beef Log to be found this year
No Beef Log
Christmas isn't Christmas
Without a Swiss Colony Beef Log
Without those cheeses and meats
I don't think I can get around
My mother tries to comfort me
She says "Here Son, have some egg nog"
I fucking hate egg nog, seriously
What do I see?
Underneath the tree?
Grandma got a Swiss Colony Beef Log just for me
Ah... Gravy!
Swiss Colony Beef Log, baby!
That's what Christmas is all about!
The roly-poly Colony Beef Log, baby!
Makes a little boy scream and shout!
Deck the halls with balls of Swiss Colony
La la la la la, la la, la la!

by Danny DeVito's Eyelash December 4, 2022

22πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Christian holiday moved to conflict with the time of year when everyone everywhere (and everywhen) celebrates the winter solstice (point of Earth's orbit where, in the northern temperate zones, the sun's zenith slows its southern decent and begins moving north again = another year to live).

2. Hodgepodge of ancient and not-so-ancient rituals, including sacrificing a tree to Mother Nature, celebrating the miracle that got Nicholas his sainthood (reassembling murdered and hacked up child parts in a barrel back into children), and, oh, the birth of Jesus, a jew, and the guy that made 12 of his buddies drink his blood and eat his flesh, before he got executed and came back from the dead. (Can you say "zombie"?)

3. Day that Santa brings new socks and undies. If your bad, you get coal (to keep from freezing) and an orange (for vitamin C to prevent scurvy).

Fucking Christmas. I wanna get drunk.

by danw December 22, 2003

122πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


A holiday that was originally meant to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ ,even though nobody really knows when he was born. Fortunately for kids, nobody really gives a shit about that part. In modern days, its all about adults bitching about much money they have to spend on their kids only to have the ungrateful little bastards bitch and moan about how they didn't get everything they wanted. Also a day that somehow went from celebrating the birth of Christ to a day celebrating a fat guy in a red suit that breaks into peoples houses and leaves presents under a tree that for some reason is indoors decorated with all kinds of cheap crap. Talk about selling out. Jesus would not be happy :(

Christmas is by far the greatest marketing scheme of all time. The commercials usually start mid November, completely ignoring Thanksgiving, and thanks to all the propoganda, it insures that all the stores can raise their prices only to say that it's a super limited Christmas "bargain." All in all, Christmas is a great holiday, so fuck it, Merry Friggin Christmas to all and to all a good night. Just remember that National Hangover Day is right around the corner

by Xero _ Manifest December 26, 2011

92πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


A holiday that originally was supposed to be for the birth of Christ, but after all these years, its just nothing but commercials, sales, and stress. What does a fat guy who hauls gifts down into your lifing room, and then flies away on a sleigh have to do with Jesus Christ? Jack squat.

Half the people who celebrate Christmas aren't even celebrating Jesus' birthday.

by adonkeyisaass October 26, 2003

1831πŸ‘ 634πŸ‘Ž