Source Code

Time of the Month

When someone with a limited texting plan is about to run out of texts at the end of their billing cycle.

Don't keep texting me, it's my time of the month. I'll go over on texts this month.

by southparkrox August 20, 2009

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That time of the month

a word men use instead of period because they have a gf or they're very mature

hosea harris:wow abie looks really pissed,it must b that time of the month
dshaun groff: wats that?
josh johnson:abie's ugly
abie vahlkamp:hosea how do u no oh, u would wouldnt u..... dshaun ur an idiot josh shut the hell up! at least the rest of these guys know wat a pad is!

by awesomeness/yourface May 27, 2009

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That Time of the Month

A mixed drink created by David Larry that consists of Lime Vodka, Sprite, and Cranberry juice. It is to be shaken and strained into a glass.

Gosh Will, your government girl just made some That Time of the Month and it tasted delicious!

by TheMan6789 November 28, 2006

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time o' the month

The time of the month when women get all pissy and annoyed. For men with half a brain they know what the "Time o' the month is". But for the stupid dumb asses out there, it's when a woman has bleeding in her never-regions, and gets all tempermental about it.

Time o' The Month. Uhm... Blood? PMS? What more can I say?

by Craig Crawford July 6, 2006

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that time of month

when you have your period

It's that time of month for me. I'm gonna curl up in bed with chocolate and watch Grey's Anatomy

by kanger February 21, 2014

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skewsey time of the month

A time of the month where femals are unable to participate in any sexual intercourse other then anal due to their menstruatral cycle.

We had anal last night as it was my Skewsey Time Of The Month.

by Trennalised January 11, 2008

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That time of month

Once a month, a woman's uterus begins to decay. It melts out as a dark red goop and after a week they grow a new uterus.

"My uterus just fell out and it looks like salsa"

"Oh, that means it's that time of month, get some tortilla chips"

by ADHD Jesus March 6, 2022

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