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The wet spot on the bed after sex

Guy 1: duuudee i had the hottest chick sideways last night. She straight up came everywhere!

Guy 2: ohh dude, lots of jangis?

Guy 1: Oh my god...the most jangis ive ever seen. Had to change my sheets.

by Silly little mongoose January 26, 2020


always, and I repeat, always black with a six pack who teaches gym class. He is amazing at basketball and football, and most likely is a soccer coach.

person 1: "Hey, do you know where I can learn some sports?"
person 2: "Yeah, I heard Jangis knows a lot of sports."

by haha this is name May 14, 2020


Stuff that gets in small areas or just random shit.

Schuyler: Doood theres a shitload of jangis in my lax scepter.
Zaid: HAH jangis...

by Schuyler-zaid_time December 4, 2010


a weeney, also see dingus

"Timmy, don't forget to shake out your jangi when you're done."

by Moldor October 19, 2004