Make out with your best friend day!
Bestfriend#1 : we need to make out
Bestfriend#2 : why?
Bestfriend #1 : because it’s January the 19th of course! Did you forgot?
Bestfriend#2 : oh- yes I forgot
Bestfriend#2 : okay fine
January 19th , sawfish/carpenter shark appreciation day. Sawfish are critically endangered, if you see one please leave it be !!!!!!
“Yo! It’s January 19th!”
“What’s so special about today?”
“It’s sawfish appreciation day!!”
“Aw fuck yeah I love sawfish!”
The best person in the world is born this day, happy birthday baby!
"Hey Axel"
"Today's January 19th! Your birthday, the best person in the world day!"
"Oh yeah! Thanks for reminding me"
January 19th refers to a special day when everyone is to make out with any woman they find with the name “Johanna”
“oh my god it’s January 19th , we should go find johanna so we can make out w her”