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Someone with a prominent interest in japan or japanese pop culture. Whether through music, japanese drama, anime, manga, language, art, history etc..

Being a japanophile does not make one a sociophobe or one without other interested -.-'

It can be someone who begins enjoying japanese popculture and extending themself to learning the language and more about the culture and way of life. Many even hope to live or visit the country.

Can even be one learning the japanese language for a considerable amount of time, into fluency.

Japanophile: I'm really interested in japanese culture
...I think i'm going to self learn the language :D
Perhaps even go teach english there...what an experience!
Person 1: Woah your playlist is full of random characters...uh...what?

Japanophile: they are some really good bands/artists..have a listen :)

by MysteryMeat August 15, 2007

45πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


A non-japanese who are a japanese wanna-be and are sickly obsessed with japan and japanese youth culture. Often poorly imitates japanese people & culture, they are very insulting to japan.

Magibon is such a Japanophile, acting all cute and pretending to be japanese.

go look up "magibon" on wikipedia.

by JAGINNYC June 14, 2010

18πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


A sad individual obsessed with anything Japanese. They usually spend the day listening awful Japanese pop bands while masterbating to pictures of sailor moon. Overtime most Japanophiles recover from their obsession, and simply try to forget that part of their past.

The japanophile suddenly realizing how lame anime is, reacted in a way only a true japanophile would, by ritualisticly killing himself with a samurai sword.

by Guitarbob December 14, 2008

43πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


Japanophilia refers to the appreciation and love of Japanese culture, people or history. In Japanese, the term for Japanophile is "shinnichi" (θ¦ͺζ—₯), with "θ¦ͺ" "shin" (しん) equivalent to the English prefix 'pro-', and "ζ—₯" "nichi" (にけ), meaning "Japanese" (as in the word for Japan "Nihon" (ζ—₯本)). The term was first used as early as the 18th century.

Lafcadio Hearn, also known as Koizumi Yakumo, (1850 -1904) was a notable scholar and author well known for his strong interest in Japanese culture. He could be regarded as a Japanophile.

by Bug BΓͺte むし June 21, 2016

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


If ur someone obsessed with japanese culture or anything that has to do with japan then ur a japanophile.But,it dose'nt mean that u r a looser or a reject,watch anime every day,have friends that r only japanophiles etc.U can have allot of friends and not be reject or a looser and still be a japanophile,get my point?People often tend to think that a japanophile is somekind of reject who has a room filled with anime posters and accesories and also wears anime clothes...but that's not true!!!

chater n.1:dude,i got a cool anime poster for my room!!!

chater n.2:ur such a japanophile...

by sio900 October 9, 2010

8πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Some creepy ass motherfucker who watches that lolicon shit where you got 5 year old anime children having sex with some creepy ass fuckers, possibly related I dint wanna fucking know, it some creepy ass stuff


Our kid JOMY SHOJI is a super japanophile you know...

by Weeb Slayer April 9, 2018

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž



"I'm glad I'm not a Japanophile" said Sam
"Yes you are" said Ally

by shuriken319 October 9, 2008

2πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž