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Hebi Jebi

A Hebi Jebi is a person who has a disease in which they can't stop laughing and have a Octodad body. They are usually a Ashley or a Kailey. They tend to play volleyball.

"Stop being such a Hebi Jebi !"

by Kaileyk12 January 26, 2018

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Jeby Eyes

When you get so hammered that your left eye must look a completely different way then your right eye to focus.

"She's brining out the Jeby Eyes"
Look, she’s got Jeby eyes!

by Dana March 8, 2005

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Jebi se

β€œGo fuck yourself” or β€œfuck you”

For example β€œma jebi se picka ti materina”
β€œGo fuck yourself”

by m*j* November 21, 2018

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Jeby Eyes

When you get to that state of inebriation that your left eye must look a completely different way then your right eye to focus on the person or object.

Look, she’s got Jeby eyes!

by Me February 24, 2005

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Jebi is a small lizard creature with four arms

look at that cool jebi he has four arms

by September 7, 2021


fat cunt

"Jebis is a fat cunt that steals any food that he lays eyes on"

by Uncle Rektum June 6, 2024

Jeby leby

Jeby leby is the same as jeli lebi on a Thursday *wheezes* when we do crack.

Quote ~ Ella "that gives off jelly belly


Laura" jeby leby"

by Mrsjelilebi October 30, 2020