Source Code

Justin Trudeau

Extremely racist

Ah man sorry I shouldn't of said that that was really Justin Trudeau of me

by True Canadian Patriot October 10, 2021

481πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž

Justin Trudeau

The worst ever prime minister that ever lived.

Justin Trudeau maybe seems nice, but he’s really not. He has done β€œBlackface” 4 times, extremely racist. Like this dude needs to die, have him lynched or something. I will not go on as a Canadian citizen living with this dumbass prime minister. False info, fires nurses, doctors, etc.. because they are not β€œvaccinated”.

(Coronavirus is not real it’s just the flu 2.0, all these vaccines do nothing to you. It’s just some watery substance what gets jabbed into your arm)

I have to define this motherfucker smh……

Justin trudeau some prime minister whose a piece of shit to everyone.

by Spheraz February 10, 2022

751πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž

Justin Trudeau

- A person that need to be killed due to ignorance and stupidity.

- A silver spoon baby that is as useful as tits on a bore.

- A piece of shit that was collected on the bottom of a shoe.
- Someone who needs to be assassinated for the betterment of humanity.

Justin Trudeau needs to be assassinated.

by d'etat June 19, 2021

501πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

Justin Trudeau

A gender fluid, girly boy, whose hobbies include performing in black-face, collecting butt plugs, and pretending he is "Supreme Leader". He is best known for being a giant douche and destroying Canada.

Boy: Dad, does Justin Trudeau have a nut sack or a vagina?

Father: a vagina son, a giant, puss filled, fishy vagina.

by 2A F0r3v3r February 17, 2022

444πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Justin Trudeau

When you are so inept at sex that you make your sex partner cry to the point of exhaustion. You stand there with your miniscule, perpetually limp and useless cock, stuttering over your words while having no idea what you say to make her feel better. Instead of solving the problem that you created, you instead lie to her and say that you have tested positive for Covid-19. Then you promptly leave her hanging while you quarantine in a non-disclosed location. All while you are wearing blackface.

OMG, last night I cosplayed as Martin Luther King while trying to bang my own mother and I totally Justin Trudeau'd myself. Fuck, I am such a white privileged, trust fund loser. I may as well have become a drama teacher.

by mr big daddy lover February 3, 2022

246πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

Justin Trudeau

See Cockwomble

An embarrassment to Canada

Justin Trudeau is a cockwomble

by Plug1234 March 8, 2022

271πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Justin Trudeau

The man responsible for delivering the death penalty back to the people friend of starvation hatecrime and warfare atrocities committed by murder factory

Justin Trudeau should bring something other than warcrime rikkinanen pshikishka

by Cody5050 January 29, 2022

243πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž