The hottest character not to mention she is a commander of 13 fucking clans
Lexa kom trikru also known as heda or lexa woods and also clarke griffin’s soulmate sorry not sorry bellarkes
1. Lesbian doggystyle
Ohhhh god press your lodit into my kom chimb! Oh don’t stop! OOoooh god right there I’m gonna get to ecstasy! AARGHNGNGNG! AARGHNGNGNG! WOOOOO! EEEEEAAAAGHGHGH! OHOHOHOHOHOH! OOWWOOOO! OH! OH! OH! Oh my go-o-o-o-od! Oh.
2. My hitachi magic wand just makes my kom chimb feel so good. I don't even want to go to this so called heaven, I just want to feel the fullness of my hitachi magic wand against my kom chimb for all eternity.
1👍 5👎
what did i just watch??
echo kom azgeda my friend im so sorry
Said by members on local dance music forums, such as AdelaideClubber.
1. To delivery a substandard quality of product. An experiance that by most would be considered relatively ordinary, or extremely average.
2. A style or mood that is not enjoyable to anyone else. A poor swagga, see 'Swagga'.
1. "I know ‘cause I have a younger sister and what they listen to is what’s in clubs, they are the ones ruining the scene with their lack of rave knowledge and shitty drugs that effect their minds and tell them that commercal dance and electro and shitty commercal house is the best.
"I had a KFC Krusher today that was so commercal it made me sick."
2. "Man, that guy's swagga is so commercal it's making me feel commercal, what is with that? Someone should rampage him." See 'Rampage'.
egyptian word that means {a group of female lions}
Friend one: yasta ta3ala ma3ana water way
friend two: la ya 3am
friend one: leh
friend two: 5areg m3a so7aby
friend one: enta w so7abak kom labawy