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Keep Smiling, used as a goodbye term when u mean to put an end to a chat or series scrappings with smbdy, and at the same time don't mean to be the least of rude.
using this term u feel like making a sweet and caring image of urself before the one u feel like meeting some other day online.

jude : so hows ur love life going?
me : dude, u r cool
jude : c'mon tell me. i'm ur good frnd...
me : my love life. hmmm...
long pause
me : i luv ur smile.KS.

by bhuyan August 12, 2007

27๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž


n. Abbr. of Kaposi's Sarcoma, lesions on the skin which are caused by Kaposi's Sarcoma Herpesvirus (KSHV). Oftentimes Kaposi's Sarcoma is a symptom of infection with HIV, as it can weaken the immune system to the degree where KSHV can get a hold in the body.

Tom Hanks's character in "Philadelphia" was fired after his bosses discovered the KS lesions on his body.

by Matthew Richardson July 16, 2006

13๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


KS stands for Killing Stalking besides the otaku culture.

A: Have you read KS yet?
B: Still not.

by Lee_Overlord November 22, 2017

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A nickname of sorts for the talented female actor Kristen Stewart. The term is often used by KS fans. Kristen Stewart is incredible, beautiful, and extremely talented. While she's been in many films like Panic Room, Undertow, Speak, Zathura, Fierce People, The Messengers, In the Land of Women, and Into the Wild, much of her popularity at this time comes from her role as Bella Swan in the Twilight movie, based off the first book of the series by Stephenie Meyer.

Friend: I love KS. I think her movies are incredible.
Best Friend: You're a crazy KS Fan...
Girl: What's a KS?
Friend and Best Friend: Kristen Stewart!!!
Girl: Ooooh.

by M&M11 June 16, 2008

7๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


Game: The act of killing an enemy that was weakened by another member of your team. This action will often upset your teammate and should be done with caution. Can also be used as a noun. (kser: kill stealer)

In-depth Version: It's 2 vs 2, you and your teammate and 2 enemies. Both of you have a specific person to kill.

Say your enemy is weakened and you only need more hit on him before you can gain exp/gold/etc.

Your teammate's turn is before yours, and on his turn he kills YOUR enemy. Congradulations! You've just been ksed.

by foreverxero July 26, 2004

110๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž


KS is from the Chinese term kong shu (both 1st tones), basically meaning feeling very empty. Absolutely running on fumes.

Stayed up until 5am last night drunk as a skunk and doin' things I really regretted. I feel so KS this morning.

by mr. mz2 May 26, 2009

70๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone who you've never argued with

"Sara is a ks and we've been friends forever."

by lil piece a' February 4, 2017

9๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž