'Keen Twat Disorder'
Someone who is excessively keen about life events, even when they are not appealing to anyone else, such as fitness. They become depressed and lost when they are unable to commit to an unlimited amount of activities and are often annoying to the rest of the general population when they are trying to exert their keen-ness on unwilling others (more commonly referred to as 'normal' people).
Sufferers are often found enthusiastically partaking in any activity that's available, whilst other participants go to great lengths to avoid them due to over-bearing keen-ness. Side effects, include: lack or loss of friends, unnatural impractical skills acquired and high potential for psychotic breaks when keen-ness is not harnessed effectively.
"I'm so stressed because I don't have time to go to tiddly-winks this week, because I have hockey training, knitting national championship, horse riding, hair plaiting, youth gardeners society, rainbow volunteering, carpentry club, and I want to walk my gold fish before I go to the opera review meeting, plus I have decided to do our class project all by myself!"
"I think you have KTD"