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kevin smith

He's one of the best writer/director/producers in recent history with Scott Mosier. These two have pumped out several great movies. This is a very simple premise. Kevin Smith makes good movies. He is creative, he writes snappy dialog, and he is funny. From Clerks to Mallrats, from Chasing Amy to Dogma and back again to Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back --- his movies are very solid. He's also known as Silent Bob.

Kevin Smith wrote and directed Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.

by SuperSonicX September 4, 2005

163👍 249👎

smith, kevin

new jersey born Indie film maker known for his classics Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, and most recently, Jay and Silent BOb Strike Back. Also made a cartoon based on clerks.(Note on clerks: made for less than $30,000 dollars) Check out ViewAskew.com for more details.

see quik stop too

by mephisto June 3, 2003

9👍 2👎