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Kongo Nut

The testicle that dangles farther down than the other one. Generally this one is much larger, thicker, and juicier than the other puny nut.

My kongo nut just scraped the floor.
Man, I bet that guy's kongo nut is crazy.

by 007hippo September 25, 2009

7👍 3👎

kongo musket

when a man puts something in a womans mouth and fucks it down her throat with his dick

" ah man i gave this chick a kongo musket last night, she was gagging like crazy!

by craze495 November 21, 2009

2👍 1👎

Kongo Blue

A sad sad colour for sad sad losers.

U like Kongo Blue? U l00ser!

by avab cac November 16, 2009

Kongo Smash

To fuk a girl like a savage


by FLASH NASTY September 8, 2009

Shimmeh Kongo

Referring to a man having oral sex with a monkey.

HOLY SHIT that guy is having A SHIMMEH KONGO!!!

by Billy f. January 8, 2008

Kongo Elyte

The hardest group of motha trickas in the 512. Formed in the spring of 2011, the crew has already claimed territory all over the city.

p1: eh yo dawgggg you hear of the Kongo Elyte?

p2: yeeeee those fools be mercin' all of the competition

p1: Heard dat. Tumultuous and Acquiescence aint got shit on them.

by DaIlluminati June 13, 2011