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Lets make Kids Let's Make Kids

Username: I just got a million dollars.

James: LMK! LMK!

by James Purvis April 23, 2008

87πŸ‘ 292πŸ‘Ž



Lmk if you please.

by Stone Johnson July 8, 2022

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Lmk means β€œlet me know”

Usually used in text message instead of in person.

Hey lmk about what happened later

by Bs_queen November 28, 2017

30πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


let me know..

lmk when or if you can afterwards too

by flo5ten December 3, 2018


lmk means let me know. It is also an app mainly used for Snap Chat. People will say this when they want you to tell them something.

Person 1: okay just lmk when you find out the news
Person 2: yeah you'll be the first to know

by imacoolkid1 April 17, 2020

11πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


LMKS means Let Me Know Something.
Its basically LMK but with more sauce to it.
You can use it when you want somebody to tell you something good or when you’re trying to get to the point.

John: I got sum to tell u.
Me: LMKS, wassup??

by Ms. MakeItHappen July 11, 2023


Let me know
Pretty much speaks for itself

Alr so we'll meet up later
Yeah lmk

by Seriouslyyyyy March 30, 2022