The 4th Generarion of mobile wireless networking, increasing data speeds significantly from 3G, but now is slow compared to 5G.
A1: My phone has 4G LTE on full 5/5 Signal Bars
A2: I have 1/5 bars of 5G UC that's still faster, L.
A3: Sad in 3G from Verizon.
Parker2991 ~urban lg journey lte
Urban Cmd Error: No results found.
Parker2991 damn
Parker2991 thtats the phone i have
An LTE is a Longest Text Ever. It is a very large text writting and shared on the internet that is written by a human without pasting anything and with coherent text (not solely random characters and words).
It is a sort of small trend that started in 2004 by a person who goes by Flaming Chicken (who since stopped) and has been continued by a small group of people with their own LTEs.
Have you seen Flaming Chicken's LTE? It's so long!