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Getting a blow job with a lanyard to hold the girl's neck in place.

Sally gave me the best lanyarding last night.

by Allah Gomez December 21, 2011

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Verb; To be without possession of a lanyard.

Hey Dave, nice lanyard. This is a comment that would be given if Dave actually had a lanyard. Dave is lanyard-less.

by CptBigBeard January 22, 2021

Sunflower lanyard

Somthing that symbols hidden dysabilites but people (mostly karens) use so they dont need to wear a mask

Sunflower lanyards are for hidden disibilities not no mask

by CheeseAjdhduajsbfjsjabs August 18, 2021

Spaniard Lanyard

When you tie a long length of rope around a mans testicles, loop it up around the neck, tie a slip knot and proceed to tighten the two loops together. (A form of bondage)

"Hey Terry, how'do it go with that half titted 20yr old last night?"

"We tried out the Spaniard Lanyard, she cracked my ribs and stole my deoderant."

"Last time I do that..."

by SpanishBull January 24, 2017


a safety device in which a carpenter can tie off to another carpenter via the penis

here tie off to my man-lanyard.

working above 6ft in height all carpenters must use a man-lanyard for safety

by ironworker29 July 17, 2009

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Lanyard Party

When a group of friends gather in someone's home to whip each other's arms with a lanyard. Endless entertainment. Don't forget to make sure to stock up on frozen meats...you'll need them for the swelling.

At Mike's house we had a Lanyard Party where John took Mike's "Spongebob Squarepants" lanyard and continued to repeatedly whip Andes arm until it was red.

by Georgios October 16, 2005

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Harry's Lanyard

A way to describe something that keeps getting stolen.
"Harry's Lanyard" has become a meme.

"Harry isn't getting his Lanyard back"
"Harry's Lanyard is on the roof and he ain't getting it back lol"

by Martinlovesfood December 17, 2019