Source Code


A red piece of shit

Person 1: Look! it's Left!
Person 2: I think they're with Bray. You don't have a chance with them man.

by LeftEdge1942 May 23, 2022

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


1. F**k, S**t, D**n, etc..
2. a replacement for an explative that describes something that isn't good, or desireable.
3. originated from dancers that hate doing any type of dance step, postion, or movement using the left side of their bodies. It normally is more uncomfortable and looks worse than the right side. It is a dancer's nightmare.

1. Left you.
2. You look like left.
3. Get the left out of my way.
4. Left it.

by dancer123 August 13, 2009

2πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

To the left, to the left

A: A phrase that one says when they are ridding in a car and tell the person driving to take a LEFT, but they do not pay attention.

B: An annoying, but catchy phrase, in the song β€œIrreplaceable” by Beyonce. The use of this phrase does create a quandary, however. Does she want me to put my stuff in the box to her β€œLEFT” or my β€œLEFT”, which would actually be her "RIGHT"?

Yo homeslice, you need to take the next left G. To the LEFT, to the LEFT!!!

Bf: I don’t want to leave you baby!
Beyonce: To the LEFT, to the LEFT. Everything you own in the box to the LEFT!

by ES-dawg February 27, 2007

14πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

The Left

a group of people who want to take away your penis

Oh no! The left is going to steal my penis and put it in the post-modern neo-Marxist museum!

by anonym0u$e November 28, 2022

59πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

left it

The ancient art of excreting solid waste and then leaving the toilet unflushed.
Upon discovery by the next user, they note that previous occupant 'left it'

Awwww damn! Who left it? This thing is almost a foot long! Dude! You reek!

by T. Walsh / Ronan XVII January 4, 2005

200πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


the opposite of right

by Yellow Dart June 3, 2003

346πŸ‘ 109πŸ‘Ž


<--- that way. it's that simple, folks.

why do you want to look 'left' up in the first place? 'tard.

by AaronB April 5, 2007

312πŸ‘ 111πŸ‘Ž