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When a far left political ideological votes gets deranged upon not getting their way.

When Tyrone heard George president trump won, he got a case of leftard and started a riot.

by El CID July 23, 2020

16👍 4👎


The opposite of a rightard, but just as horrible.

Leftard: I identify as wefokweofkoakwefokgender.
Sane person: Dude you're a fucking idiot. There are only two genders.
Leftard: REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!111!!1!!11!

by Inquisitive Walnut August 10, 2019

52👍 36👎


Used by a right handed person who has no ability to use their left hand for anything other than balance.

Q: Hey, how did you spill coffee on your pants?

A: I tried answering my cell phone while holding my coffee mug, but im so Leftarded that I ended up spilling on myself.

by Jax75 May 18, 2007

18👍 18👎