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Literally + legitimately

= Legiterally.
When you really, REALLY mean something.

Dude, that was legiterally the phattest ass I've ever seen on a white girl.

by AmatoryTeacher June 13, 2022


A common Cuban phrase, which, no matter how much it is over-used, never EVER gets annoying.

"I just got legiterally stung by a jellyfish!"

"Oh shit is it legit?"

"Yeah man"

"How legit?"



by tonythetiger_21 March 30, 2010

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adv. used in place of 'legit' or 'legitimate' when whatever one is describing is really and truly legit to the strictest sense of the word without any exaggeration whatsoever.

"That dude who played Bach's Violin Concerto in A minor while jumping thirteen school buses on a motorcycle was legiterally the most amazing shit I've ever seen"

by Mayhembob February 7, 2010

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Someone or Something that is Literally Legit.

"That was Legiterally the best party ever."

"That is a Legiterally Kick-Ass Band!"

by #1 BIG M.A.C April 28, 2013

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The combination of the word Legit, and literally. Can be used in place of both words, or when the need for both words are needed.

This is legiterally the best cake i have ever had.

by Smokeshow91 January 14, 2017

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A mix between the two words "legit" and "literally."

Alex: So are you really going skydiving?
Cole: yeah, legiterally!

by TheWalrus37 April 27, 2010

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Combination of legitimate and literally, for use when both are needed, or to accentuate importance

Tim: My girlfriend's gonna have a baby.
Bill: No way!
Tim: Dude, she's legiterally pregnant!

by Chowdah June 21, 2010

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