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Levitating is a song by Dua Lipa. On tik tok, it has become very popular. People say this song has “crack” in it (meaning they cant stop listening). It’s just the song that gets you in the best mood.

I’ve had Levitating on for 3 days straight.

by harry styles’ wife April 19, 2021


To levitate means to smoke pot. It refers to achieving a meditative mindstate, one that yoga gurus (presumably) achieve, whilst sitting in a lotus pose. When in this mindstate, it might feel as you're floating mid-air, ergo levitating.

"Bro, shut the door! We bout' to levitate in this bitch!"

by Whatever_man July 20, 2015

23👍 8👎


Noun. A system of measurement used by few that is equivalent to eighteen inches.

After the baby was born, it was measured to be 18 inches in height, or one Levit.

by Jonathen Mills March 1, 2010

15👍 5👎


an amazing spiritual person whos accepting and doesn't judge, and a bad ass bitch who can ride a dick like a stallion

the baddest bitch in the whole school was named Levit

by secret person 72662 August 4, 2016

5👍 1👎


to steal. to take without permission.

Man, why you tryin' to levitate my fries?

I can't believe they levitated my T.V!

by Flippy Jr. May 19, 2005

35👍 24👎


Levitating, song by dua lipa that is strangely addicting. The song is so bad that It’s good. the beat is guaranteed to put u in a good mood. People say the song has crack in it cause it’s just that good.

Left foot, right foot, levitating.

by Sebastian Stan Stan April 19, 2021

6👍 2👎


1. The verb that means to rise or cause to rise and hover in the air. Typically used in a supernatural sense.
2. The title of the 2021 #1 hit single by British singer-songwriter, Dua Lipa.

1. "Dude i just saw Thanos levitating off the ground"
2. "Remember that hit tune Dua Lipa released 20 years ago? it’s called Levitating"

by InternetSlangMerriam March 8, 2022