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human life or no life

Have you checked out the definition of "hoe life or no life"?
You are not really a hoe.

Dude1:hoe life or lifeless
Dude2:no,human life or no life

by Artemvideourban January 29, 2023

2👍 1👎

Sham Life/Life’s a sham

Your life is such a sham that even a sham wow can’t help you

Lmao I’m in such deep shit my sham life/life’s a sham

by I’m ok’nt October 20, 2019

5👍 1👎

life isn't meaningful, life is full of meaning.

Life isn't meaningful, life is full of meaning, is a term usually used by people named "Kristian." This phrase may occur most likely when gaming or when being in a 1-on-1 conversation with someone else. It is also used as a funny counter-back to awkward situations.

Mango: Does life even have meaning?
Kristian: life isn't meaningful, life is full of meaning.

by Mangokiki October 12, 2021

Jet life to the next life

To be on the Jet setter to the day that you die

man ima be jet life to the next life forever man

by Lil Web April 7, 2011

24👍 18👎

Mid-Life Crisis vs. Mid-Life XTC

Two completely opposite phases for a middle-aged person (40-50), usually a divorced man. Opposite phases can appear identical to those who do not know the man in question.

Mid-Life Crisis vs. Mid-Life XTC (ecstasy)

Mid-Life Crisis: Divorced Middle-Aged man buys a Corvette Convertible to attract foxy young Gold-Diggers.

Mid-Life XTC: Poor divorced middle-aged man ends up with a hot young sweetheart who later buys him a Corvette Convertible.

by Carman Guya October 7, 2006

22👍 2👎

Life Be Lifeing

A lot of days of your life is not ordinary. Offered full of difficult tasks and very strange occurrences that don’t happen to people normally!!!

Today after I finish running errands my cars was running fine, I fulled up my car with gas drive around the corner my check engine light came on. I got on the highway and my tire went flat.

Damn my life be Lifeing all the time and I’m to tired to deal with it!!!!

by She’s Cheetahry January 15, 2023

8👍 1👎

Life Hard Life Cold Titty Soft Titty Warm

This was thought up by an anonymous user on discord 7/1/22. It is what you say to a friend when they are sad. Basically telling them to just go fuck somebody.

"Hey man I fucking hate myself"
"Hey I get it but remember Life Hard Life Cold Titty Soft Titty Warm"

by John0032 November 12, 2022