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Liquid Snake

A yellow-haired crybaby from Metal Gear series, a part of Les Enfants Terribles. While being one of Big Boss' clones he acts like an absolute crybaby in MGS 1 due to "having recessive genes", although he had the dominating ones.
"Ask tHe fatHer That you kiLleD!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll seNd yoU to Hell TO MEET HIM!" - Liquid to his brother, Solid Snake
"I'lL SeND You back to HELLLL!!!!!" - Liquid to Gray Fox, a cyborg ninja in the game

A: Yo man I got beaten up by my brother because he had been screaming that "MoM GivEs you morE attEntion thaN to Me" even though it isn't so
B: Wow this is such a Liquid Snake moment