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digital literacy

Digital literacy is the ability to understand how to use technology appropriately, as well as being educated on digital trends (memes, gifs, acronyms, etc.)


The current generation is well educated in digital literacy.

"Do you know what a gif is?" "Of course, Iโ€™m digitally literate"

by GetGiffy January 22, 2015

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body literacy

1. The knowledge that comes from the ability to chart the signs of the menstrual cycle and understand your own fertility
2. The knowledge to make informed choices about your own reproductive health and method of birth control

Wow, she has so much body literacy. Look at that how well she charted her cycle using the fertility awareness method!

by learntochart April 9, 2019

Literacy Test

it's a test in ontario that grade 10 students are forced to take and pass, if you don't pass you are forced to take it again until you pass or are forced to take a class against your will that will "help" you pass. Because if you do not pass in the future years of high school, you will fail high school..... it's also a shit load of ass because they say it's really hard and a lot of people fail... but it's extremely easy...too easy...

Before: "Ah CRAP!! the literacy test is today!! it's going to be hard!!"

After: "That was the easiest test ever...i didnt even need to study...."

by Nightwalker0 April 2, 2009

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media literacy

A term for critical thinking used by people who learned everything they know from video essays on YouTube.

Getting a joke is media literacy. Being good at Zelda is media literacy. Seeing this post is media literacy.

by Cranes June 21, 2023

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AI literacy

AI literacy is having a basic understanding of what AI is, how it is impacting the world around you, and knowing how you can leverage it in your career or in your future. AI Literacy is a Net Literacy program and a website that helps parents and teachers show teens the what and how of AI literacy through the use of videos , games, articles and experiments.

AI literacy, just like ICT or net literacy, is changing our world and is necessary for all of us to have to be able to make discerning educational, career and life decisions.

by MsSage February 8, 2021

computer literacy

It is a goal that is unobtainable to at least 85% of the population of the world. It is defined by the other 15% of the population as the meaningful use of a computer without the end result being a fucked up computer and a call to a qualified computer service Technician (aka 1%er).

If you are reading this and your computer is not fucked up, than Congratulations on your achievement of computer literacy. The other 85% is counting on you.

by TJ The Tech Guy October 26, 2010

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information literacy

some boring class that i have to take, or quit high school.

aww... crap i have to go to information literacy next.

by chad January 25, 2005

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