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Actual Lives vs Theoretical Lives

To say "Dropping the nuclear bomb saved lives" is to weigh the actual lives lost against the theoretical lives that would have been theoretically lost and is to assume 1. That you can accurately predict how long the war was going to last and 2. You can accurately predict how many lives would have been lost.

Hym "Actual lives vs theoretical lives, Ben. You can't say that with any degree of ACTUAL certainty. Not intelligent and doing an incest cult doesn't make you better than everyone."

by Hym Iam April 29, 2024

who decides to live their lives on the road

who decides to live their lives on the road

who decides to live their lives on the road

by April 28, 2022

Live Live

A word to state when a website is ready and viewable on the web.

Live refers to a site not being live, but in development and viewable on the web.

Yes Jim, the site is Live Live.

by Jim2010 November 12, 2010