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Shape shifting human-lizard hybrids.
Generally heads of state, captains of industry, members of secret fraternal or black ops organizations. Not to be messed with.

I've also looked at Icke's writings, and the Bush family and many members of his cabinet, together with the royal heads of Europe and many members of Kalifornia's Bohemian Club all qualify as members of the shape shifting lizard-human hybrid family. The Queen Mother was supposed to be gargantuan and especially fierce when in her lizard form.

by lizzie February 19, 2005

115๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž


The Lizards are a strange type of creature, claimed by some to be a human/alien crossbreed, or possibly some kind of "shape-shifter" who occupy important positions in the power structure of many Western countries.
George Bush and the British Royal family are the notorious examples, but in fact most newsreaders and "public authority" figures are also lizards. Although they look superficially human, they can be spotted by their strange, cold eyes and mechanical way of gesturing.
They can be male or female, and typically promote policies or ideas that are totally at odds with any kind of ethical behaviour.
Whether or not they actually are shapeshifting aliens is open to debate, but they certainly display enough reptilian behaviour to merit the nickname. I personally believe that they began life as full humans, but as they ascend the power structure they are somehow corrupted or altered into being lizards.
The Sky News anchor people on British TV are certainly lizards, as are many of the BBC team.
Other prominent lizards in Britain are Tony Blair, John Reid, and many high ranking mambers of the political elite.
Victoria Beckham, and many of the "celebrity elite" are also quite clearly lizards.
As well as lizards, there are a large number of individuals who may be called "slugs". The "slugs" tend to be fatter and have more obvious tendencies towards personal greed and gluttony. They are physically heavier-built than the lizards and less adept at concealing their avarice.
John Prescott, the deputy UK Prime Minister, is a slug, as is Charles Clarke.
While much has been written concerning the "lizards" far less has been said about the "slugs". The slugs are typified by a heavy build and jowly appearance; although their policies and mentality seem closely allied with that of the lizards.
Next time you watch the news, keep an eye out for the reptilian attributes of the presenters and politicians.

Many people have claimed that powerful figures in our governments and ruling classes are lizards. Some claim that these lizards are 4th-dimensional beings who have controlled us for thousands of years. Whether this is true or not, there are a great many lizards in government and on television.

by Tony Prescott September 28, 2006

57๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Lizard

Depending on his mood, this creature can be big or small; public or private. He will come out of his cage and play when he is in a state of elation; and when depressed, he tends to stay hidden from the outside world. He doesn't always have to be depressed in order to hide; sometimes he just wants to be by himself and "hang out", so to speak. Sometimes he needs to be "private" - having not the urge, nor the desire, to be looked at, touched, kissed, have his picture taken, shake hands with Hillary Clinton, etc. The Lizard has been in many different places; generally wet areas. He often finds himself in "canals" of some sort, and in "mouths" of rivers. This tends to happen when The Lizard (or "Thick Lizzy" as he is nicknamed),has been drinking too much alcohol. The Lizard always wears a protective suit, however, when he swims in impure waters. Sometimes he just wants to put his feet in the water, without going all the way in...but most times, he thrusts right into the water and hits the ocean floor! In any event, Thick Lizzy is sure to get suited up...and that "suits" him just fine. (No pun intended).

Like many other creatures, The Lizard enjoys being petted - by women.

by Barry MacCockener January 25, 2005

28๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


The kids from the wrong side of the tracks who smoke in the breaks at school and give the impression they are soon to be drop-outs

late seventies term from suburban Baltimore that refers to the unsavory appearance, unambitious attitude, and general malaise of this group

Sport: Look, there's The Skragg and her lizard chicks.

Buddy: Yeah, she's a bigtime skank... I wouldn't fuck her with your dick.

by Snuffy February 16, 2005

30๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


A large (100s of members, loosely organized at the fringes with a core executive branch controlling separate, self-sufficient cells) Chicago-based hip-hop/goon nation with roots in graffiti but now comprised of emcees, DJs, radio hosts, breakers, vandals miscellaneous, and clothing designers. First appeared at Scribble Jam 2004 where it established a US-wide membership base. Its arch enemies are the Monkeys.

"LIZARDS ALL UP IN THIS BITCH;" "Fuck the Monkeys;" "Welcome to Lizardelphia;" graffiti found nationwide with depictions of cartoonish lizards and/or the word "Lizards."

by Tops the Trealist February 13, 2005

65๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who when making out sticks his/her tongue in and out in a lizard like way. They lizard kiss and it is not pleasant.

Anna: "So, I heard you hooked up with Jack."
Lucy: "Please don't remind me, it was horrible!"
Anna: "What happened?"
Lucy: "He is such a lizard!"

by Gi. January 5, 2011

91๐Ÿ‘ 77๐Ÿ‘Ž


Verb. When you get blackout drunk, then get even more drunk, to the point where you lose all fine motor control, and are forced to go from place to place on your belly, using your limbs like a lizard would. Seldom occurs in nature.

Dude. Ryan got so plastered last night. He completely lizard his way up the stairs to his room. He's gonna be drunk for a week.

by Saint Jamie March 23, 2015