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Log off

Another term for back off. Used in today's age due to the amount of technology.

Dude, log off, you're totally in my space.

by ALF_White613 January 19, 2011

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log off

Yet another way of saying you need a crap.

Man, that chilli was bad, I really need to log off!

by Aaron C Rescue August 28, 2003

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Log Off

When someone decides to exit playing a video game or program.

User1: Hey, do you want to raid Molten Core in 10mins?

User2: Actually, I'm just about log off.

User1: My account isn't work properly.

User2: Have you tried to log off and re log?

by Stelarus October 21, 2014

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Log Off the Internet Day

Log Off the Internet Day was started by a group of activists and thinkers in 1999 to make the public aware of the impacting is making on real life communities. Log Off the Internet Day is celebrated on the first Saturday after the start of summer in your hemisphere on which you are supposed to stay off the internet. No email, chat, IMs, gameplaying or surfing. A time to go to a movie, see some friends, ride a bike, be with your family.

I totally celebrated Log Off the Internet Day and went for a bike ride.

My second life wife got mad because I spent some time with my first life wife on Log Off the Internet Day.

by Joe Iron August 18, 2007

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Take a log off the fire

A term used by beauties meaning "simmer down"

Guy: You got a problem baud?
You: Take a log off the fire pal

by Giverrrr February 10, 2014

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Log off social media

To masturbate.

You've just put down your phone, late at night, and its time to log off social media.

by cod_machiine May 3, 2019

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Log off

Another way of saying "fuck off"

Person1: log off fam

by Ebenezerscroogeswife290 January 26, 2022