the most…middle school out there. it’s the home of the lancers, and despite the fact that lancers are men who ride horses and kill people, our lancer code is to be respectful, be responsible, and be safe.
despite the name longfellow there’s more 4’11 crab men in this school than i can count. the population of longfellow consists of mostly f boys and gay emo kids. you’ll probably survive if you don’t jaywalk to school, but let’s be honest; we all do it. don’t bully the emo kids, they’ll shove their hand up your butthole and pull out your kidneys (that’s what the cafeteria food is made of.)
if you’re on bus 7, you’re screwed on fridays. you might have to sit on someone’s lap, or even hang on to the stop sign to get a ride home because everyone’s trying to get a ride to starbucks.
there is a 42.069% chance of you being called emo in the hallways for wearing any article of clothing that is black. no exceptions.
beware of a certain gym teacher. (if yk yk.)
mask up lancer >:(
person 1: what school do you go to?
person 2: longfellow middle school
person 1: woah no way, i go there too. wait didn’t you call me a furry in the hallway?
person 2: no, i called you a gay furry. get it right lmao
a shithole where the pedo teacher is still allowed to be working around kids, the cafeteria food is made of plastic, people vape in the bathrooms, and there are only 3 types of people: emo gay kids, annoying bitchy girls who think they’re popular and all wear the same thing every single day, and the boyzzz 🥵🥵🥶😎 who think it’s funny to say slurs and be racist
person 1: what school do you go to?
person 2: i go to longfellow middle school
person 1: i am so sorry
To cheat or be cheated on.
"he had long suspected her infidelities but only realised he was actually being longfellowed when she called him the wrong name"
if idiots could fly, this place would be an airport
person 1: what school do you go to?
person 2: longfellow
person 3: fucking narc