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look at me

Word Used to Degrade one's performance and usually make the other person feel bad.

John: I just won the lottery
Dave: Well Look at Me!!

by KA August 28, 2003

10πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

look at me!

something me and my brother made up, used at the begining at an impression sentance followed by a name, then by something stupid they just did

"Look at me i'm Kyle, I get drunk in wisconnson and some dudes beat the fuck out of me"

by Brian Johnson September 3, 2003

13πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

look at me!

Phrase used by men who piss on old women

Look at me!

by hahaha July 22, 2003

5πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

It looked at me first

When a guys bulge is very noticeable in a tiktok video either on purpose or accidentally and it makes its self very apparent

β€œOmg did you see Tyler’s new tiktok I don’t think he saw his bulge showing”
β€œIt looked at me first”

by GayKitty July 29, 2020

look at me generation

Anyone born between 1990-2000. The look at me generation favors youtube, reality tv, constant status updates, twitter posts, bright clothing, and anything else that may attract attention to oneself. (Not excluding self mutilation and profuse hard drug use.) See EMO, RAVER, CANDY KID

I'm glad my little molly was born after the look at me generation! They're all such fuck ups!

by candy kid October 29, 2009

87πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

...look at me now!

at the end of a statement you say this to make the person you're talking to feel like a loser. orrrrr, (if you don't like hurting people's feelings) you say this at the end of a statement when something really good happens to you.

cory: yo check out my nike dunks i just bought last week.
derrick: yea man, those are cool... but check out my cool grey jordans11 that i got yesterday ...look at me now!

student: mrs. kindergarten teacher, remember when you told me that i'd be cleaning floors at mcdonalds when i grow up? pwaaahaaa, i'm the ceo of my OWN mcdonalds now shawty ...look at me now!

by takemeaway_09 May 23, 2011

14πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

look at me girl

A specific type of girl, usually very good looking, who uses her looks to manipulate the people around her. She is most comfortable hanging around the douchebag crowd. She usually has very little to offer, other than her looks, and is frequently used as eye-candy by the douchebag guys to make their party seem more appealing than it really is. A look at me girl is fake, usually a liar, and gains her self esteem through sexual encounters. She will be found with the guy who has out-douched all of the other douchebag guys.

Christina, wearing an extremely tight Juicy Couture blouse and short skirt, bounced up the bar to stand next to Johnny, King of the Douchebags in attempt to find the party where she could get free drinks, drugs and sex. Johnny, (wearer of Ed Hardy and owner of the bar) suggests they take a midnight ride on his Mastercraft. As they left the bar together, one of the bouncers said, "England has it so good. There goes OUR royalty. Queen of the "Look at me girls" with the "King of the Douchebags!"

by masqueso November 27, 2010

18πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž