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Mild case of downsyndrome MCDS

a kid who looks fuked up AND HAS MCDS

by freedy dave September 9, 2010

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More Core Divison

"I bought a new MCD shirt the other day."

by Diego August 25, 2003

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Head from a fat chick.

"I just got dome from a chick and it cost half as much"

"Dude you got McD"

by no1 really January 16, 2008

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The McD's

When your new girlfriend drops you off lunch at work then out of nowhere when you are walking away she blurts out "I love you" then proceeds to cuss at her self in the car while beating on the stearing wheel.

she handed me a bag of McDonalds and said "bye I love you"....long pause <insert profanity>
sory about the McD's

by Jinx July 25, 2008

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Abigail McD

A very crazy kind of girl. Sings a lot. usually songs by artists such as Metro Station or Taylor Swift. Have amazing hair and great style. Usually very energetic and fun. Usually bad at badmiton and calls people stupid children.

Boy1: Wow that girl is really crazy!
Boy2: She's hot!
Boy1: I bet you a million bucks that's an Abigail McD

by Anonymous Person 11 May 13, 2009

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Danny McD

A term for a man with an abnormally large penis.

"Man, that guy is such a Danny McD"

by Alpha0 August 28, 2021

Phatty McD's

1. A 'ganster' sounding name for McDonald's cooked up by Vermonters in the mid-90s, with special attention paid to the fact that McDonald's makes you fat.

2. Phatty McD- Ronald McDonald's name BEFORE he had gastric bypass surgery.

1. "My dad's takin' me up tah Phatty McD's in the fam'ly trick-ter." translation: My dad's taking me up to Phatty McD's in the family tractor.

2. "Phatty McD ate so many Big Macs he went into a McComa on the couch; good thing his McFatAss cushioned the blow."

by SweetGretchieD April 30, 2006

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