Used in edited versions of Web Videos or Songs.
Acronym for "Mature Content Removed", "Mature Talk Removed", or"Mature Media Removed"
Like clean versions, removing swear words also removes words or phrases which are considered "mature".
Have you heard that new song?
My mom only let me hear the MTR version :(
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1.) An abbr. for Thanks for the Memories. Often used in high school yearbooks.
2.) Also the title of a very catchy Fall Out Boy song which is to be said about a relationship that is only being held together by the physical aspects. The relationship at this point has become a one night stand. It seems to be a conversation at some points of the song (For example: singer Patrick Stump belts out, "He tastes like you only sweeter."-which is a direct quote from the film, Closer.) This part is kinda funny because it seems as the guy is telling the girl, "Thanks for the memories even though they weren't so great." She fires back with the former line. It's sounds like they are breaking up and doing what a lot of people do when they break up...kiss your ex for for one last time. But in their case...they have sex.
*This is only one interpretation.
Thnks fr th mmrs even though they weren't so great.
-"Thnks fr th Mmmrs", Fall Out Boy
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Itโs actual booty.
When you play ranked as a bronze but only play with gold when should should be in plastic.
My league MMR was ruined by my friends
When your in-game MMR is so insanely inconsistent that you could be queued up with either high above your rank or extremely below your rank. Or even worse, both...
Wow! Seems like Loaveth is in a serious MMR Void!
MMR (masculinism mgtow redpill): Victimization of the male sex and demonization of the female sex.
I am against MMR (masculinism mgtow redpill).
Hym "Since you wanted to say something and since your CLEARLY don't understand how Mmr works (With your useless inferior mind) I'll explain it to you in simple terms. You noticed that but did you notice that I'm ALWAYS the first on the list? That's because I'm playing with someone else who's rank is lower then mine. Which means I'm ALWAYS the best person on my team. By default. So, because I have this other person with me the mmr system filled the other positions with people worse them me and then I have to try to carry them to victory because WITHOUT ME ON THE TEAM THEY LITERALLY WON'T PLAY AGAINST PLAYERS AS GOOD AS ME. They'll get match with players at their level. I'm doing pull-up with a 100รperson weights. I climb as fast as a pro when I'm alone. I'm actively trying to carry someone else to a hugher level. It's harder than just winning. If I'm the worse person on EITHER TEAM my team will win so easily the game wouldn't even be fun. Because for someone to actually be better than me they need to be a professional AND play every day."