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a crew made up
stands for monsterxcore
or something like that
because monster is the best drink
ever invented. yay

awesome person #1: only cool people can be part of the mxc
awesome person #2: word.

by jasmineeeee February 28, 2007

1👍 22👎


1. one of the best contestant shows (japanese) ever on spike tv that include jumping on walls wearing velcro, running across logs and swinging on ropes, etc.

2. A show that was originated by takeshi's castle. There is a funny dubbed over version here in america. Hosts include Kevin and Vic. Guy Douche also pitches in as well.

me: let's watch the mxc marathon on spike.
joe: right you are, andrea.

by andreacky772 September 1, 2004

48👍 26👎


best show on tv the captain really airs the show, has funniest quotes ever guy ledouche is funny guy, frequently uses babagonoosh.

(1)"he went down and sniffed his own bagdad"

(2)"OH UR DIRTY girl, yeah i need to be hosed off, oh guy has a hose, oh u creep GUY LIKE"

by mxc luver December 5, 2004

38👍 30👎


mathcore music
a way to describe someone who listen to the music
a way to describe someone is good at math

That band was a mXc band.

Scott is mXc.

by tEhAiDs May 27, 2006

15👍 41👎


Medio-Core. Stuck in between Hardcore and Softcore.

Girl: OMG! Are you hXc or sXc?
Guy: FUCK THAT! I'm mXc!
Girl: Let's fuck.

by Gabe The Creative November 25, 2006

9👍 39👎


Metalcore (also known as metallic hardcore) is a fusion music genre that blends extreme metal and hardcore punk elements. Metalcore is a subgenre of hardcore punk. Metalcore, like other forms that combine metal with hardcore, such as crust punk and grindcore, is distinguished by the usage of slow breakdowns furious parts that are favorable to moshing.

Heavy riffs and stop-start rhythm guitar playing, occasional blast beats, and double bass drumming are some of the other distinguishing musical characteristics. When it comes to vocals, thrash and scream are often used by the artists in the genre. Some later metalcore bands include clean singing into their performances, particularly during the chorus. A frequent sound is death growls and gang voices.

Metalcore Church (MXC: Metalcore Straight Edge Church, or if the X is the Chiro symbol: Metalcore Believer in Christ Church)

The Metalcore Church (MXC) is a place of worship dedicated to metalcore music. A church for the outcasts, constructed by the misfits, has the same Gospel but with a different tone. Is it possible that you don't feel like you belong in church or that the church has been unwelcoming toward you? We are a group of individuals who have not been exposed to the love of Christ via Christian institutions.

I got a free shirt from The MXC.
I got paid to record drums for the MXC.

by The Metalcore Church November 6, 2022