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my sister's dog

fucking retarded

"hey, what's my sister's dog?"

"fucking retarded"

by sǝɔᴉʌǝp ɹᴉǝɥʇ dᴉlɟ sǝssɐqɯnp October 11, 2021

4👍 2👎

Meet my sister

The act of a man pushing his penis and scrotum between his legs displaying only the pubic hair.

(Standing on a table in the pub with trousers down) Hey everyone, I'd like you to meet my sister.

by Mandorf April 6, 2006

21👍 7👎

My sister is a visco

Run and fucking hide she is a bitch

My sister is a Visco

by Sparky1077 November 10, 2019

He's my sister

He's my sister

You see that person? *points to a mickey mouse cheese stick* He's my sister.

by Dankius max February 24, 2019

8👍 6👎

My sister chloe

She’s a melt and a dickhead but a little pretty she sleeps all day and games all night she has no manners but sometimes if she’s in a good mood she’s polite and is nice to people if not she’s a bitch

My sister Chloe is a melt

by S olivia May 31, 2019

Visiting my sister in Scottsdale

When you travel to Jamaica secretly with your secret lover and using the excuse of visiting your sister in Scottsdale as an excuse for your new tan.

Kevin: Jan you look tanned

Jan: Thank you, I was.... Visiting my sister in Scottsdale

by kdial2002 March 29, 2021

My sister told me that

What you say at the end of an epic story, thinking that you'll will either get a laugh or agreement from your audience, only to find vacant faces.

"So after the third trip to the drinking fountain, I just didn't want anything to drink.....(vacant faces).....the end. My sister told me that."


"Did you know that blind people dream?"
Reply: "Did your sister tell you that?"

by JF_Jesus April 13, 2010

5👍 1👎