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Cutest girl in ERDL, sweet, kind, but with kind of a bad taste in music

Boy 1: "Hey I just met the cutest girl, but kinda has a bad taste in music"
Boy 2: "what kind of bad taste"
Boy 1: "K-pop i guess"
Boy 2: "Oh thats a Madalena for sure"

by Random trash on the net January 10, 2018

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sexy and mysterious girl.
sometimes can be really depressive.
pretends to be strong so that no one breaks her heart.
they are usually a huge mix of nationalities which makes them beautiful. .
is a player, but once they find the right one, they are loyal.

Wow... Madalena is so hot!!!

by Ahdnndnmdjxm February 3, 2020

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do u want to have sex with paul, madalena gets all the bitches and want mr pe teacher dick

hi madalena i want ur dick

by U know :) February 26, 2020

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Madalena is so nice you can talk to her about anything. Shes always doing tik toks dances which is kinda cringe but like doesnt matter aw.

Madalena is so nice what a oompa loomp ooga booga

by Defenitions hahhaha February 26, 2020

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Yo Paul likes madalena and madalena gave him head in starbucks but she wants to have sex!!!!!

she doesnt know if she should also hve sex with marte

Madalena loves big dick

by U know :) February 26, 2020

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shes kind of a dick but shes nice ig lmao ahaha
im joking btw this is marte ahah

Madalena is coming. Everyone hide!

by Defenitions hahhaha February 26, 2020

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Madalena Slide Tackle

A two-footed, studs-up slide tackle on your own teammate that results in an injury to the lower leg.

Lad broke his leg because of a Madalena Slide Tackle.

by ThereIsOnlyOneLadsFC December 7, 2017

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