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Rather abundant; ample or plentiful

Madd points were scored in Saturday's basketball game.

by Anonymous February 1, 2003

73πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


Mothers Against Drunk Driving

The members of MADD shot a guy for DWI

by qwerty July 5, 2003

120πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž


1. very
2. madd better than "mad"

used in place of the word "mad" which only has one d, and thus is clearly not as good

"That was a madd good blow job."
"Thanks dad, I tried so hard."

"Are you mad?"
"No, Im MADD! XD"

by MuchBetterMuch September 25, 2009


to have alot of something..

Omg I have madd weed

by MAster exploding personn October 14, 2008


1. an acronym for β€œmaladaptive daydreaming” that is heavily used by alternative or mentally ill friendly groups on tumblr, reddit, and twitter (and ao3 !!)
2. a maladaptive daydreamer
3. a person who has extreme and detailed fantasies for long periods of time as a coping method; sometimes confused with reality, sometimes not
4. ** this term is mostly interchangeable with β€œshifters”

1. i suffer from madd, half of the time i’m zoned out and in another place…
2. see that girl, yeah she’s madd.
3. are you on madd tumblr? i always post my paras there!

by naims<3 January 17, 2023

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


used to describe sumthin by exaggeration

i love that class it's madd cool

by Kj September 25, 2003

56πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


A naive group of Mothers who are Against Drunk Driving, who fail to realize that their very existence could advance drunk driving because 40-something overweight mom's wearing flower prints are the epitome of uncoolness.

MADD has a noble message but mom's are overprotective too often so nobody wants to listen to them, especially when you're in a stage of your life when you're trying to separate from your parents.

by fseefssefed June 3, 2005

50πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž